Saturday, January 9, 2010

The front door the gateway to your home.

When reading Scripture the emphasis on gates, doorways and portals cannot be ignored. They are critical and pivotal to influencing cities, states, regions and territories. As we know this is true in the larger sense we must realize that this is true in the microcosim. The front doors to our homes represent a spriritual entryway into the authority of the people who dwell there. That is way the assault by the cults on knocking on the front doors has been so effective for them and they have hijacked the whole concept of a spirituality entering in by that method. Recently when trying to rent a space for the meeting of a small church I was describing the event of going out to proclaim the Kingdom of God to the landlord and his first question was, "But you are Christian right?" and in that moment I saw the front door standing alone sort of like in a twilight zone and in this guys mind that entry way was a place for the cults and those with the untruth to arrive. Fellow believer's ALL gates and entryways and doorways and portals are to be under the authority of the believer because Christ has given us that authority over the everlasting gates because we are the ones that will lift Him up in them. Let's take back the most basic of gates. Our own front doors and those of our neighbors for the Kingdom.