Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Releasing Destiny

I think of myself as a spiritual midwife. It is my role to help you birth your destiny from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. God has a destiny plan for your life and when the appointed time for that destiny to come forth arrives it is good to have a spiritual midwife to help. What are the qualifications for such a position? Understanding the times and the seasons is a prerequisite.  Exodus talks about the midwives named Shiphrah and Puah in Exodus1:15. At that time Pharaoh was ordering all the Hebrew boy infants to be killed at birth. (Exodus 1:16)  These women against the orders of the most powerful man alive at the time, Pharaoh, saved the Hebrew babies from destruction because they "feared God" (Exodus 1:17). So a spiritual midwife fears God and because of her understanding of the times and seasons, she knows that sometimes there is a greater purpose in the laws and decrees of the land. She knows that there are powers in place that would seek to destroy the plans of God. But being in the right position at the right time, she can protect the destiny of a nation.  Moses was one who was saved by the Hebrew midwives. His destiny was to lead the people to the promised land and to perform miracles by God's power and to receive the Torah for the people.
A spiritual midwife is one who will get in between you and the enemies plan to destroy your destiny in it's first moments of fruition. She will stand there between you and everything unholy and tell you that God's timing is now and it's time to push for your deliverance. Because she understands timing you will often find a prophetic anointing as part of the midwife role.
Part of the process of spiritual birth is to create an atmosphere of faith and to help you stir up the gift of faith in you. To create an atmosphere of faith a spiritual midwife has to be one that walks in faith for herself. She must be one who time after time has seen the hand of God move and the supernatural power of God be manifest. She can't just say, I think your destiny is about to be born. She is one who says IT'S TIME TO PUSH! at the right moment.
Now a spiritual midwife doesn't get to stay in one place very long. Because there are always more spiritual births to attend. But when I meet someone new, I am always excited for them because I know that God has made our paths to cross for His divine purpose.  Something is about to change in their life and God is about to break out in a whole new way for them. It's a precious experience to be there when someone is on the threshold of the new day in their lives.
This is part 1 of a series I am calling- Opening the Gate. You may enter your email address for the blog to come to directly to you. Or you may choose to be a follower. As always I welcome your comments and trust that this blog blesses you in your walk with the Lord. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and encouraging you in yours!

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