Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Cosmos is Rending It's Garments

Recently I wrote the blog, the Earth is Rending her Garments. Translated into both French and Spanish it seemed to resonate with people and was read around the globe. The cataclysmic events continue and if we turn our eyes toward the sky, we see another example of the universe crying out about the times and the seasons. Let me emphatically state that no man knows the hour when our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will return. But the Word is full of references to signposts that tell us we are moving toward the end of times.
Shortly after writing my blog about the tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes of unprecedented violence and frequency, the sun made an announcement of it's own. On June 7, 2011, the sun emitted a Coronal Mass Ejection that was unexpected and so large in the particles thrown into space it was called a gargatuan solar flare. If it had not been diverted from the earth's direction, it would have disabled power grids around the planet. According to the national geographic website an unusually large amount of material lofted up in this Mass Ejection, so much so that when it expanded and fell back to the sun it covered one half of the surface of the sun itself!  Further study reveals that after this event the sun is now falling into an unexpected period of solar "sleep" or lack of solar activity. The absence of solar flares has not seen since 1645 when the canals in Europe froze solid.
Beloved, as a watchman on the wall it my job to sound the alarm in whatever direction that signal comes from for us. Be it from the earth, the sun or the moon or the sky!
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and keeping watch on the walls.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan