Thursday, September 1, 2011

Activating your Prophetic Destiny Part 2

How do I activate my prophetic destiny to bring the plan of God from the heavenly realm to the earthly realm? This is the burning question in the heart of many believers. First of all, let me tell you that you have not failed. Listen to me carefully, you have not failed. You are seeking God's direction and God's plan and you are searching for the activation of God's prophetic word for you. Think of a mountain range. Think of how big the mountains are and how they span miles and miles of the landscape. When you see them in the distance you think that is so pretty so majestic. As you get closer you begin to realize just how far away the mountains were! And as you get closer than that you realize that there may be valleys in between the mountains. You see that the first mountain is very, very far away from the second mountain that you see. Now let's think about this example as it relates to the prophetic. When you receive a prophetic word you see it in the distance and you don't realize how big it is. You think of the word's power and majesty but you don't think of how difficult it can be to climb that mountain, or activate it if you will. And when you get to the first step of your prophetic fulfillment you don't realize that there is a valley of time in between this part of the word that has activated and the rest of the word that that has yet to be fulfilled. This is a common prophetic experience. Think about the Old Testament prophets who would prophecy Jesus the Messiah coming as a servant, coming to die for our sins and then giving a prophetic word about Jesus coming in His glory and descending from the sky with a shout. They didn't see the valley of time between the first coming of Jesus and the Second coming of the Lord. Timing is critical in the activation of your prophetic word. Understanding the seasons is very important to completing the activation of your it. For more understanding you might read my blog Activating your prophetic destiny! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and activating the prophetic!


  1. Hello Pastor Susan,
    As I was reading this, it felt like you were talking, or God was talking right to me, because I was feeling like I am failing, right at this moment. Thank you and I thank Father, for always looking out for me.

    God Bless, Elisha

  2. This is one of my super popular blogs and I feel like I was blessed of the Lord while writing it!


Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan