Saturday, May 21, 2011

Prophetic Understanding

Prophetic understanding is a process. It is a gift that you grow into as you mature in the faith. It is like the acorn that grows into the oak tree. It starts small and then it grows in both depth and height. It has many branches such as the prophetic seer or the prophetic hearer or the prophetic worshipper or the prophetic evangelist.
A prophetic seer is someone whose revelations from God comes in pictures. These pictures can be experienced as dreams or visions. A prophetic dream that comes from God can give direction, explanation, guidance or understanding of the next step in your destiny. A prophetic hearer is one who hears the voice of God and is able to with clarity present that to someone so that they may receive the word of the Lord. A prophetic worshipper is one whose worship in essence prophesies in song both publicly and privately. You can hear the song of the Lord come forth from them and find the same type of direction, explanation, guidance or understanding. A prophetic evangelist is one who uses the prophetic gift to evangelize the lost for Christ. So a prophetic word is given and then because of the confirmation of the word the person becomes a believer in Christ.
The prophetic gift has seasons that include prophetic activation, incubation, and growth and fullfillment. These are similar to the seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall and can repeat in a cycle. There are nuances to the prophetic gift that only come in times of maturation. The subtilities of understanding what a symbol or a word means comes with practice.
If the Lord is beginning this work in you then just yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to teach you what you need to know. And remember it is a perfect gift in an imperfect vessal. Prophetic understanding is like a fine wine that needs to be aged to ripen into the perfection that God desires. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

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