Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dancing in the Prophetic

Dancing in the prophetic is a powerful announcement in the Spirit of the plan of God in a situation. When we prophetically dance the Holy Spirit directs our steps and movements. The Bible is replete with examples of kings and prophetesses dancing before the Lord. Beloved, when something is in the Word it is not just because it is part of the story. There were myriads of details of history that happened that were not recorded in the Bible. So it means that we must closely examine the actions that were recorded. King David danced before the Lord according to II Samuel 6:14 "And David danced before the LORD with all his might;" and  II Samuel 6:16 reports that he was "leaping and dancing". The ark of God was coming up to Jerusalem and the joy and the victory and the praise that the glory of God is coming to a city caused the King himself to dance and leap on the journey. Those with a right heart could hear the message- The Presence is coming. Those with no open ears or eyes would look separated from the event as it says in II Samuel 6: 16  'Michal Saul's daughter looked through a window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart." Despised is a strong word. Notice how she was not part of the event, she was separate. This will happen when you prophetically dance. Some will have a strong aversion to it. Because they are having an aversion to the message of the prophet. And because they refuse the message, they despise the prophet.
Another powerful example is Miriam the prophetess, who according to Exodus 15:20 "And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances." Miriam's prophetic song came forth ( you may want to read my previous blog on your prophetic song) and she told about the victory over Pharoah and his armies. 
When you dance prophetically a physical message is being sent into the atmosphere and spiritual events are happening. When I prophesy by dance I am usually doing spiritual warfare. And I usually dance with my war sticks that I create prophetically to symbolize the battle I am fighting. Once I created a war stick covered with gold fur like fabric symbolizing the tribe of Judah and worship. I attached bells to it symbolizing I was going into the Holy of Holies and I attached two little pins that represented the destiny of my grandchildren and then I went to war in the spirit. I never spoke a word but I put on some spiritual music and I danced with my war stick and basically told everything that wasn't aligned with the plans and purposes of God to back up.
A prophetic dance has many expressions because it is what God wants to do in the Spirit being symbolically portrayed in the natural. Worship, glory, kingship, welcoming His Presence, healing, it is a myriad of facets like a diamond. Which way will you shine the Light of His glory in the dance? This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life. PS I always enjoy reading your comments on these blogs!

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan