Monday, February 20, 2012

Prophetic Purpose

Prophetic Purpose

1. Given by the Holy Spirit
2. Set timing
3. Set place
4. Divine purpose
5. Fulfills Destiny
6. Releases Blessings
7. Requires Obedience
8. Requires faith
9. Results are not guaranteed.

A prophetic assignment is brought to you from the Father's heart by the Holy Spirit. The assignment has a set timing, in other words there is a window of time in which the assignment can be accomplished. It has a set place, there is a location where the assignment is supposed to happen. You may not be aware of the exact location where this is supposed to happen but you will be given a starting place. A prophetic assignment has a divine purpose, both for you and the other persons. God has a plan and He is entrusting this to you to fulfill the activation of that plan. A prophetic assignment fulfills destiny. Destiny is about to be birthed and your assignment is to help bring that forth. As you release destiny, you release blessing in your own life. The assignment requires obedience and the obedience releases the blessing. The obedience requires faith because the results are not guaranteed. Wait, what do you mean the results are not guaranteed?? It's because each person has freewill and they can choose to respond or not respond. But once you have completed your assignment, and you have completed your role then release the results to the Father.
Let's look at a biblical example of the prophetic assignment: In Acts 9:10, the disciple Agabus received his prophetic assignment in a vision. In the vision the Lord appears to him and specifically tells him what to do. He told Agabus when the set time was, Now, and He told Agabus where to go, the street called Straight, and the house of Judas. The divine purpose, is to lay hands on Saul to receive his sight.  The fulfillment of destiny comes when Saul begins to preach the Gospel proclaiming Jesus in the synagogues, telling them, "He is the Son of God." This prophetic assignment required obedience from Agabus and he tells the Lord in his vision about the harm that Saul has done to the saints.  If required faith for Agabus to head out for this prophetic assignment. The blessing that was released was that now a chief persecutor of the Christians had now become a christian and that particular danger was gone. The blessing for Saul was that the scales fell from his eyes and his sight was restored. In this example the results were told to Agabus by the Lord in the vision, that Saul would bear the Lord's name before Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel.
What prophetic assignment has the Lord given to you that will release blessing in your life through obedience? Think about it. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and fulfilling God's assignments.


  1. Hi Pastor Susan,
    It's me again, Elisha. I have a question, what do you do if you haven't heard any orders from the Lord? I mean like for a particular thing to do or place to go? I'm trying to pay close attention to hear God clearly, sometimes I do get frustrated. I feel something on the inside of me but can't seem to grasp it. Words spoken to me in the past and a short while ago, just spoke of God placing a special anointing on me and me walking in the prophectic (something to that effect on the prophectic part). I do realize now, my dreams are prophetic as I've seen some come to past even when I didn't know they were at the time. So I journal them now, and have been for years actually. just not realizing they were prophetic. I was in treatment for mental illness for (over 15 years) when I first started writing my dreams not even sure why I was. Now looking over those journals I see some that actually happened or gave me the understanding to them when I was able to connect them to an incident. Although, some took years to come to past. So I'm still learning. I appreciate you!

    God Bless!

  2. It's ok to not have "orders from the Lord" or a prophetic purpose...things take time as we grow in Him.


Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan