Sunday, January 22, 2012

Your Victory Stone

When you need a victory in your life, you need to get your victory stone. Remember when David went against the giant Goliath in the Bible? Remember that he could not wear King Saul's armor but went to the stream to pick out the smooth stone that he would use in his slingshot to fell Goliath? That's where he found his victory stone. Now there are many brooks in Israel. But based on his past experience, David knew where to go to find the exact victory stone that he needed. As a shepherd boy, he knew where the babbling brooks would be that he could bring the sheep to for a clear fresh drink of cool water . And those same babbling brooks would hold the right kind of stone for this particular battle and that would fit his slingshot.

When you are facing a battle in your life, when you need a victory, the Lord will use what you have been through in the past to help you find your victory for the future. Just like David knew how to use a slingshot, and where the babbling brooks were, the Lord will use your past to propel you to that victory.  Your life experiences mean something. Sometimes hidden in the past streams of your life are the very stones that you are looking for to use in this situation. You just have to know where to look so to speak.  For example, you wouldn't be looking for a smooth stone at the top of a volconic mountain. There would only be hard flinty stones with many edges, some jagged. You look for a smooth stone in  a  flowing brook because the water flowing over the stone smooths out the rough edges.

Now my youngest daughter describes me as a scrapper. She says, Momma, you just keep going and fighting while you have an ounce of strength left. You take nothing and make it into something. I heard a spiritual bell ring in my spirit. I thought where did I learn to be such a scrapper. I learned how to make something from nothing because I grew up in poverty. We rarely had food to eat. We used the oven in the kitchen to store telephone books, which was interesting because most of the time we didn't have a telephone. But I learned how to make something from nothing. I learned how to survive. And from that survival instinct, I became familiar with the brook called Don't Give Up. Trust me there are a lot of victory stones in that brook!

Many times as Christians we are looking for what I call prophetic answer to our questions. We want to know what the future holds for our battles. Will I win? Will I be victorious in defeating this giant? But sometimes the simplest answer is to look at the course of our lives and the battles we have already won. The Lord has walked with us through some amazing trials and we have won. Look in the brook where we found our last victory stones. There is probably another one there waiting for us to defeat this problem.

This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and remembering that sometimes the victory stones are hidden in the oven with the phone books!