Friday, May 4, 2012

It's a metaphor!

No water in the building. Did you pay the deposit? When were they supposed to be here? Go tomorrow and make them come and turn on the water in the new church. Still no water in the building? They put in a new water meter? The inflow is plugged up or broken or crushed? No water in the building? They might dig up the foundation to get to the line? No water. No flow. Wait muddy water is seeping in where? It's a metaphor. It is hard to uncover ancient wells! When you start the work the line is often clogged sometimes completely shut down. Sometimes there is just a muddy trickle of water that seeps in. To uncover an old well sometimes you have to dig up old foundations. Pierce old structures and unearth old wells. It is a metaphor. 
What is clogging up the well of living water in your life? What is stopping up the water of life from flowing freely in your ministry? Sometimes you have to dig up old structural foundations to unearth the the broken places so they can be repaired. It's a metaphor! If you look around, you will see them everywhere.
God is speaking to us from the things that happen in the natural. Keep your eyes on Him and He will show you the metaphor and it's meaning.