Saturday, August 18, 2012

Salting the Land a Prophetic Act

Jesus makes a simple statement in Mark 9:50 Salt is good:

Many times when we move into a new house or we start a new church plant, Marc and I make it a point to salt the land. We use kosher salt and we generally speaking will start at the boundaries of the land and walk the perimeter sprinkling salt as we go.  Sometimes we will salt an entire property with sprinkles of salt thrown out almost as if you were throwing seed into the ground.  Why would we do this? Salt is one of those really cool words that is both a noun and a verb, a thing and an action so to speak.  So when I use salt "to salt the land" I am doing a prophetic act that speaks about the double portion of blessing. Salt has many uses but the one use that I focus on when "salting the land" is purification. Salt has been used for purification for centuries.  This is my border and nothing unclean will cross it.  It sets aside what is within the boundary as special or holy, the Hebrew word is Chodosh.  This prophetic act makes it a set aside (Chodosh) piece of land.  This is really important especially if the place is to be used as a house of worship and also for your home.
While I am salting the land, I pray over it so that is another very good reason to walk your boundaries sprinkling salt as you go.  You are defining in space by Word making your Word declarations, action-the process of walking and deed- the act of sprinkling something on the ground, that God has set this apart to be holy unto Him.
The New American Standard Bible quotes I Chronicles 4:10 Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!" And God granted him what he requested.
Jabez cried out to God concerning his borders that God would enlarge them! But you have to know where they start before they can be enlarged! So let's seek the Lord for the setting in place of our borders and the enlargement thereof next! God enlarge our borders so that we might reach the nations for you! Enlarge our borders so that we can seek the expansion of Your kingdom! Thy Kingdom come and show us where my place in the Kingdom is!

I like to stake my claim both physically and spiritually where the Lord says to plant.  If I am going to plant here, then where are my borders? Lots and lots of the Old Testament is written about borders and boundaries.. it is extremely important to know where to plant. It is so important to know where your field is... (see my blog on the Field of Boaz-it is one of my favorites and helps you decide if it is time to move on....)
And now be the salt... be the salt to the world... bring the purification of Jesus Christ, our Messiah into the dark and hurting world.  The salt will help to cleanse the wounds that the nations might be healed and transformed. 
I love to use Kosher Salt that we have had on our Passover table to salt a new beginnging...a new piece of land... a new work for the Lord. I like to use that because to me it has already been set aside for God's work and God's planned times.  Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, keep on being the salt, keep on salting your boundaries and walking it all out in love! This is Pastor Susan with her pockets filled with salt and setting new and ever increasing boundaries!