Monday, December 3, 2012

Living a Transparent Life in Ministry
One of the most important aspects of my role in ministry is to live a transparent life.  It is to let you know that I am not perfect and that God can and does use imperfect vessel's to fulfill a perfect work in the kingdom.  I am always surprised when someone new to our ministry will say to me, wow, you just let me see that you are not perfect, you don't hide the flaws in your life. And I think to myself, how can I be real and honest and a true leader, if you don't know of the struggles, challenges and defeats that I experience in ministry and in my life in general.  I sit with those who grieve and tell them that I have grieved like them. I sit with those who have lost loved ones and I tell them I have lost loved ones.  I sit with those who are sad and tell them that I have been sad sometimes.
I hear your struggle and I understand that you are struggling because I have struggled as you have.
So many tell me that other pastors or ministers have not shared their struggles with them. That they are not perfect and that their families are not perfect.  But I ask, "How can you share the joy when you cannot share the hurt? How will the people know that there is a process to overcoming and victory if you do not lead by example and by modeling how to walk out trials?  This is an important ministry lesson and should be learned early on for the sake of the Gospel and for the Kingdom!  This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic life in the most transparent way possible!