Monday, July 14, 2014

Unchain the Elephant.

Lately God has been speaking to me about my pride. He has been showing me all the places where I can be very prideful. He even showed me my thinking process. God save me but don't touch my pride. I don't want anyone to know that I am broken or weary or in lack of anything. I don't want anyone to know that they have hurt me because that gives them the power to hurt me again. I want to be able to not need the support of others and not really need You to fix my issues. God save me, but leave my pride alone. Don't let anyone figure out that I am going through a trial and that I am afraid because then I wouldn't look as spiritual and that is so important to me... to look like I am the one who knows what is going to happen next.
When I realized that I thought those things, and when I realized that I thought them often, I was glad that God revealed to me that I needed help in this area. I need help to be set free from my own pride of self-sufficiency. Because that pride is like a rope that holds me back. It's like the chain around the elephants ankle that keeps him in place. And even years after it is removed the elephant will still act like the chain is there. Anchored to one spot and reluctant to venture forth across new savannah's in the wilderness.
Lord remove the chain of pride today. Remove the padlock from my ankle that I may run free and enjoy new vista's in You.
I give all my helplessness and hopelessness to you in one big basket of junk. And I know that you remove it from me as far as the east is from the west. Amen!

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Color Gold

Gold is generally interpreted in prophecy very similarly to the interpretation in the natural. Gold is considered a valuable substance of high quality. Gold is considered a standard to be obtained, such as the term The Gold Standard. In dream interpretation, the color gold, is often linked to heaven. This comes from the understanding that the streets of heaven are paved with gold. Gold is often considered a reflection of God’s glory. Gold is often considered a valuable treasure and anything that is made of gold might be also considered to be a valuable treasure or a symbol of that value.