Sunday, January 30, 2011

Prophetic Gifts in the Everyday Life

Prophetic Gifts in the Everyday Life

This Christmas I found the most beautiful prophetic gifts at a Christmas ornament store. I found gold glitter encrusted crown ornaments with red stones pressed into the sides and a cross on top. They were the perfect gift to represent the kingly authority that God has given to us in the land. The kingly authority is the ability to direct actions for the kingdom. The gold represents the purity of the authority. The cross obviously represents the cross of our Lord Jesus and the red stones represent the blood shed for our salvation that allows us to enter the kingdom. By giving pastors these ornaments, I gave a physical representation of what the Lord was doing in their everyday life. When they see it they will be reminded that the Lord has given them authority in the land to make decrees in the heavenlies through the blood of Jesus Christ.

I learned how powerful prophetic gifts are however from an example that was just the opposite of the beautiful gold crown ornaments that I gave this Christmas. It was my 40th birthday and my husband had planned a sweet tea party for me at a local tea room. He had invited friends and family from many arenas in my life as well as ladies from my church. The gifts were all sweet and precious as you would expect for such a special occasion. All except one gift that came in a plain gift bag. I opened the bag and pulled out a dog muzzle. Immediately repulsed I read the card and realized it was from the ladies on church staff. The spiritual significance of such a gift in such a public setting could not be overstated. I had been told publicly that my voice was to be silenced in the congregation. That my prophetic gift was considered a threat to the congregation. I quickly put the muzzle back in the bag and literally threw it out before I ever took it to my home. It was one of my first experiences with a gift that had spiritual connotations.

Living in the everyday prophetic life means that decisions are made on a daily basis to encourage and uplift or to discourage and press down. The gifts that we give and receive as prophets should be prayed over before both the giving and receiving. Think about it the next time a birthday, holiday, wedding or shower gift is needed. It can be a chance to bless with a visible reminder a prophetic word for the life of another. Think about it. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan