Saturday, May 28, 2011

Appointment with Destiny

     Appointment with Destiny
Activating Your Prophetic Destiny
Part two
    When God sets an appointment time for you to begin your destiny purpose in life, He will move rulers, kings, nations, and people groups for that appointment to be fulfilled. But only you can keep that appointed time by obedience in your heart. When you have received a prophetic word then in essence you have an appointment in God's "book" for that set time frame. I usually think of these appointments as scrolls in heaven's library. These appointments are written down and have a set time and purpose and place for fulfillment
     In Luke chapter 2 the whole world had an appointment with destiny. The time had come for the Messiah to be born. And so all the details for prophetic fulfillment had to come into place. It was prophesied in Micah 5:2 "But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting." And so the Scriptures had prophesied that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem and therefore a plan had to be made to move the pregnant Mary to the town of Messiah's birth. The stage was set when a world wide decree went out from Rome that the whole world would be taxed. And they were to be taxed in their hometown. So a non-believer, a king, moved the nations into place so that the one carrying the Christ would be perfectly postioned to fulfill the appointment with destiny.      .
    Another example of an appointment with destiny is the apostle Paul in the Bible. Acts 21:10-11 "And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judea a certain prophet, named Agabus. And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost. So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles." This was the kind of destiny appointment we may not want to receive but it is an excellent example of the kind of prophetic word that tells of places, actions and purpose. Acts 23 tells of Paul appearing in Jerusalem in front of the Sanhedren. A riot breaks out and Paul is rescued by Roman centurians from the Jews but delivered to the castle. From there he begins his remarkable journey to Rome to keep his real assignment as found in  Acts 23:11, " And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome." I love this particular example because one instruction builds on the next. They are like sign posts that tell you that you are on the correct road. But you generally can't get to the second one before you get to the first one. Many times people will ask for a prophetic word. I ususally want to ask them well what did you do with the last one. Were you obedient to what God asked you to do? Obedience to the word of God is critical in what God is going to do next in your ministry. Take that one step of obedient faith, so the path will open up before you and you will see what the next one is. You see Paul had to go to Jerusalem even though he knew he was going to be bound. He could have been like Jonah and headed in the opposite direction. But he chose obedience. And he then heard the next step.
    Well, Pastor Susan, it's been prophesied that I have a book within me. Great! Have you written anything down? Maybe a writing such as a blog, a journal or a facebook note might be a good place to begin obedience.
  It's been prophesied that I would pastor a large church. Great! Have you started a Bible study in your house? Have you trained and been a servant to someone who already has a large church? Have you named your ministry? Have you investigated if you want to have a 501 (c) 3?
     You see God has given you direction and free will. He told you what is available. Now in obedience begin the process and watch the miracles accompany your set appointment time.
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life!. PS I love to read your comments on my blogs and you can sign up on this page to receive an email when I post a new one! Blessings!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dancing in the Prophetic

Dancing in the prophetic is a powerful announcement in the Spirit of the plan of God in a situation. When we prophetically dance the Holy Spirit directs our steps and movements. The Bible is replete with examples of kings and prophetesses dancing before the Lord. Beloved, when something is in the Word it is not just because it is part of the story. There were myriads of details of history that happened that were not recorded in the Bible. So it means that we must closely examine the actions that were recorded. King David danced before the Lord according to II Samuel 6:14 "And David danced before the LORD with all his might;" and  II Samuel 6:16 reports that he was "leaping and dancing". The ark of God was coming up to Jerusalem and the joy and the victory and the praise that the glory of God is coming to a city caused the King himself to dance and leap on the journey. Those with a right heart could hear the message- The Presence is coming. Those with no open ears or eyes would look separated from the event as it says in II Samuel 6: 16  'Michal Saul's daughter looked through a window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart." Despised is a strong word. Notice how she was not part of the event, she was separate. This will happen when you prophetically dance. Some will have a strong aversion to it. Because they are having an aversion to the message of the prophet. And because they refuse the message, they despise the prophet.
Another powerful example is Miriam the prophetess, who according to Exodus 15:20 "And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances." Miriam's prophetic song came forth ( you may want to read my previous blog on your prophetic song) and she told about the victory over Pharoah and his armies. 
When you dance prophetically a physical message is being sent into the atmosphere and spiritual events are happening. When I prophesy by dance I am usually doing spiritual warfare. And I usually dance with my war sticks that I create prophetically to symbolize the battle I am fighting. Once I created a war stick covered with gold fur like fabric symbolizing the tribe of Judah and worship. I attached bells to it symbolizing I was going into the Holy of Holies and I attached two little pins that represented the destiny of my grandchildren and then I went to war in the spirit. I never spoke a word but I put on some spiritual music and I danced with my war stick and basically told everything that wasn't aligned with the plans and purposes of God to back up.
A prophetic dance has many expressions because it is what God wants to do in the Spirit being symbolically portrayed in the natural. Worship, glory, kingship, welcoming His Presence, healing, it is a myriad of facets like a diamond. Which way will you shine the Light of His glory in the dance? This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life. PS I always enjoy reading your comments on these blogs!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Prophetic Understanding

Prophetic understanding is a process. It is a gift that you grow into as you mature in the faith. It is like the acorn that grows into the oak tree. It starts small and then it grows in both depth and height. It has many branches such as the prophetic seer or the prophetic hearer or the prophetic worshipper or the prophetic evangelist.
A prophetic seer is someone whose revelations from God comes in pictures. These pictures can be experienced as dreams or visions. A prophetic dream that comes from God can give direction, explanation, guidance or understanding of the next step in your destiny. A prophetic hearer is one who hears the voice of God and is able to with clarity present that to someone so that they may receive the word of the Lord. A prophetic worshipper is one whose worship in essence prophesies in song both publicly and privately. You can hear the song of the Lord come forth from them and find the same type of direction, explanation, guidance or understanding. A prophetic evangelist is one who uses the prophetic gift to evangelize the lost for Christ. So a prophetic word is given and then because of the confirmation of the word the person becomes a believer in Christ.
The prophetic gift has seasons that include prophetic activation, incubation, and growth and fullfillment. These are similar to the seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall and can repeat in a cycle. There are nuances to the prophetic gift that only come in times of maturation. The subtilities of understanding what a symbol or a word means comes with practice.
If the Lord is beginning this work in you then just yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to teach you what you need to know. And remember it is a perfect gift in an imperfect vessal. Prophetic understanding is like a fine wine that needs to be aged to ripen into the perfection that God desires. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.