Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Scorching Sun

So if you know me, you know that one of my favorite teachings and sermons is Lo, the Winter is past! (check out my blog in the archives). So that made this new revelation all the more powerful to me. I am not one who teaches that you have to live something to understand it fully, but I am one to say that really helps put your teaching in perspective. This summer in Oklahoma was the hottest on record ever. We are talking dust bowl days of the 1930's ever. I mean there were days that felt like they would melt your eyeballs. It was not uncommon to see a temperature gauge in the 110's and we were over 100 for almost 3 months. Nothing grew, I mean unless you watered it, basically the exceptional drought killed the vegetation. The ground began to cake and cracks were so deep, I remember a story on the news that a puppy fell into one and had to be dug out by fire crews. The trees withered up and went dormant. And going outside to do yard work, or take a walk was down right dangerous. It was often 100 degrees at 10 o'clock at night.
So what does this have to do with the Everyday prophetic life? Well, one day I had a revelation! It's not just winter that stops growth and fruition and harvest, it's the scorching sun of summer as well. I was thinking about my watermelon plant that grew 15 feet wide. That's right fifteen feet wide and had not one piece of fruit on it because the heat made it impossible to bear fruit. Now think of that from a spiritual perspective. Have you ever been in such a fiery furnace of persecution and trial that you are just trying to survive let alone bear fruit for the kingdom? Have your ever felt like the situation that you are in is so terrifically heated with anger or white hot rage that it feels like you are in a furnace? Bingo! That's what being in Oklahoma in the hottest summer ever has taught me. Sometimes you need to get out of the sun to get into the Son of God's plan for your life. Psalm 121:6 says, "The sun shall not smite thee by day," God promised His followers that the sun shall not smite or hurt them by day. I think of this as a spiritual event. The trials, the tribulations, the fiery furnace of persecution shall not smite you by day. Think of what an amazing prophetic promise. God knew that those times would come in our lives and He said you shall not be smitten! If you are in that place let me pray for you right now: Father in the name of Jesus Your Son, we come before you and ask for my brother and sister in Christ to be sheltered from every fiery blast that has come against them and for you to give them complete rest and peace under the shadow of your wings. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and rejoicing in the Lord's protection.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

King David and the Battle

Characteristic number one: Giant Killers are obedient. Before King David was King David, he was the youngest son of an elderly father who had sent him on a simple errand to bring food to his older brothers. David honored his father by complying with his wishes and carried the food to the war camp where his older brothers were listening to a Philistine giant defy the God of Israel morning, and evening
Characteristic number two: Giant Killers when given a task-no matter how simple or routine follow the task through to completion.
Characteristic number three: Giant Killers understand the power of rising early because it involves discipline. In 1 Samuel 17:20, the Word says "Early in the morning".
Characteristic number four: Giant Killers run to the front lines. According to I Samuel 17: 22 David ran to the front lines where his brothers were. Giant killers know where the action is and that is where they want to be.
Characteristic number five: Giant killers will not be silenced. Although it angered David's brother, David kept asking the same question as to what would happen to the person who killed the giant. Giant Killers want to know the result of victory. So they keep asking until they are answered and will not be silenced.
Characteristic number six: Giant Killers will go into a battle that others flee from. Young David assured the King that he would fight the giant.
Characteristic number seven: Giant Killers do not listen to those who say it can't be done. King Saul told David he was too young and the giant was too skilled. David did not receive the negative word. Characteristic number eight: Giant Killers have faith that has been honed in prior battles. David mentioned the lion and the bear that he had killed. David had faith in God in those trials and he would have faith in God in this one.
Characteristic number nine: Giant Killers know the weapons of their warfare. David knew that Saul's armour would not work as it was untested for him. He knew that he wanted to take his own staff and get some smooth rocks.
Characteristic number ten. Giant Killers kill giants. David killed the Philistine giant and understood the significance of the victory.
So the question for you today is, "What giant in the spirit needs to be put to rest in your life?" What rises up against you morning and evening and defy's the God within you. Use this lesson to defeat the giants in your life today! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and running to the battle lines.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Overcoming Goliath

There are two kinds of people. The kind that run toward the battlefield and the ones who run away from the battlefield. Well, I guess there are those who are like deer in the headlights. They just get stop and get frozen in place. I remember one time we were in a church service and during the prayer time a very sweet woman began to yell loudly in a very strange voice as the pastor was praying. It was so strange that the congregation got up and moved toward the back of the sanctuary. They just removed themselves by about 30 feet from the altar. I looked around and there were just a couple of folks who had stepped toward the front to pray harder. These were the giant killers! They were not going to allow strange yelling to interfere with what God was doing at the altar. The giant had to be defeated. That morning there were no deer caught in the headlights. It was very much like the parting of the Red Sea with about eight rows of chairs between the two groups and no one in the middle. God did a marvelous work at the altar that morning. And I learned an important lesson. You either are a giant killer or you are not. There are certain characteristics to those who defeat the giants in their lives. One of those characteristics is that they RUN to the battle. Now in the natural, many would shrink back from confrontation, from the battle front, the battle lines so to speak but a giant killer looks in the direction of the fight and heads in that direction.
The biblical account of David who slew the giant Goliath gives us great insight.In every place where David is engaged in this story he is running toward the battlefield. 1 Samuel 17:22, 24, and 48 talk about David running and even running quickly to the frontlines.
Beloved friends, don't let the enemy get access in your life that is not challenged. Don't allow him access where he can curse and be defiant of God in your life. Don't step away from that fight, and don't get stuck like a deer in the headlights. Run quickly to defeat your foe that would challenge God in you. Don't let the sound of defiance defeat you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Activating your Prophetic Destiny Part 2

How do I activate my prophetic destiny to bring the plan of God from the heavenly realm to the earthly realm? This is the burning question in the heart of many believers. First of all, let me tell you that you have not failed. Listen to me carefully, you have not failed. You are seeking God's direction and God's plan and you are searching for the activation of God's prophetic word for you. Think of a mountain range. Think of how big the mountains are and how they span miles and miles of the landscape. When you see them in the distance you think that is so pretty so majestic. As you get closer you begin to realize just how far away the mountains were! And as you get closer than that you realize that there may be valleys in between the mountains. You see that the first mountain is very, very far away from the second mountain that you see. Now let's think about this example as it relates to the prophetic. When you receive a prophetic word you see it in the distance and you don't realize how big it is. You think of the word's power and majesty but you don't think of how difficult it can be to climb that mountain, or activate it if you will. And when you get to the first step of your prophetic fulfillment you don't realize that there is a valley of time in between this part of the word that has activated and the rest of the word that that has yet to be fulfilled. This is a common prophetic experience. Think about the Old Testament prophets who would prophecy Jesus the Messiah coming as a servant, coming to die for our sins and then giving a prophetic word about Jesus coming in His glory and descending from the sky with a shout. They didn't see the valley of time between the first coming of Jesus and the Second coming of the Lord. Timing is critical in the activation of your prophetic word. Understanding the seasons is very important to completing the activation of your it. For more understanding you might read my blog Activating your prophetic destiny! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and activating the prophetic!