Sunday, November 27, 2011

Prophetic Garden

I have been thinking lately about the concept of prophetic gardens and the act of prophetic gardening. Isn't it interesting that the first place named and inhabited by man was the Garden of Eden. The Bible says in Genesis 2:8, "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden;" And the description of the vegetation in the garden is designed so that we could see the prophetic picture of what God had in mind for us. He provisioned us with everything that we needed to live abundantly. In Genesis 2:9 it says that , "out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food;" The fruit of the garden spoke of God's love and care for us. And the prophetic picture in the garden becomes greater when we read that "the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." ( Genesis 2:9) The Lord declared our destiny to live with Him and also declared our ability to choose life and good.
A garden is a hopeful place. A place where we believe if we plant seeds God will give harvest. We prophesy to the future by declaring our belief in the law of seedtime and harvest.
Now let's take this one step further. Let's look at what we plant and where we plant it. A few years ago, I planted a lavender plant. Just a small one about 4 inches by 4 inches. Now I have a lavender bush about 3 feet by 3 feet. It became a symbol to me of the Lord's direction in my life of Peace be still. Since the planting and harvesting of the lavender wands I have been able to make many many bottles of anointing oil that I call Peace be Still. So my prophetic garden prophesies into the lives of myself and others an anointing for peace in the midst of the storm.
There is an awesome ministry in Corinth Texas that is in the process of planting prayer gardens. Each element of the garden prophesies to the region that God is speaking life and growth to the area. I love it! The depth of thought and planning that has gone into each element of the garden is an inspiration and it has challenged me to expand my own garden, realizing that I am prophesying to my future and to my ministries future with each plant.
I am going to be doing some research on plants and what they symbolize in the Word. As I do I will put some of that information in my blog. Because winter is a time when gardeners dream of spring, and when prophetic gardeners listen to the voice of the Lord to see what He is saying to His people by a visual display of life.
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and gathering her heavenly seeds.

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