Friday, July 6, 2012

The Mayor of Cranky Town

Today I feel like the Mayor of Cranky town.  You know how when you were little and your mom told you it was time to take a nap and it was the LAST thing that you wanted to do but it was the most important thing you could do to make you feel better.  Well pretty much when I get over tired, I get cranky.  Right now if exhaustion was a destination, it was three train stops ago. And sometimes we have a good reason for being cranky. Sometimes we are doing spiritual things and we just can't stop because there is a schedule or a deadline that we have to meet. There is a plan for those of us who are in this place spiritually.  Psalm 23 tells us that the Lord makes us to lie down in green pastures.  I don't want to lie down Lord I am busy!  Green soft pastures that are cool and refreshing... hmmm sounds like God is trying to get me to take a spiritual nap and I just don't want one.  Sometimes, I enjoy being the mayor of cranky town. So Lord forgive me for allowing the everyday work of the everyday prophetic life to stop me from rest.  That green pasture is looking real good right now! This is Pastor Susan living the Everyday Prophetic Life and taking a nap.