Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ministry 101 Stop and Listen

 When growing in ministry there are some simple principles that each of us needs to learn and apply on an everyday basis.  Some of these lessons are just ministry 101.  Here is an example or Rule 1: Just Listen.    
        The other day I was washing my hands at the sink in the washroom.  A woman that I did not know well asked how I was doing and I responded with my usual response at work, "I am here." At that moment I usually forget to ask how the other person is doing, but I am teaching myself to remember to ask them how THEY are doing.  It's not because I don't care but I am usually very busy and seconds usually count.  So I stopped looked over and purposefully said, "How are you?" At which time she told me that she had just gotten out of the hospital with a severe asthma attack. And now she was on blood pressure medication and was having trouble with her eyesight.  So I paid attention and listened to her story. It wasn't a long story but she was sad and scared. We walked out together and as I was turning to go to my desk, she smiled and said, "You are always so kind to listen". And I froze in my tracks, because I know that I am often not kind to listen. That I have to make myself stop and listen. So I walked back to where she was standing and I said, "I believe in healing, and I know that you believe in it too. And I want you to know that I will be praying. And just because things are like this today doesn't mean that they will be like this tomorrow. This is not the end of your story." At which point she started crying, grabbed me and hugged me and said, "I needed to hear that. I am sure that's why our paths crossed in the washroom". There is a time for speaking and teaching and a  time to just listen!

Let the Lord teach you both in His timing!
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life by just listening.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan