Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Days of Wonder

     These are the days of wonder. The wonderment of how big God is, how loving He is, how faithful He is and how good He is. The days that make me wonder at the power of God. The days that make me see His face and His hands in the earth. The days that make me wonder if I can even begin to understand His great and eternal plan for my life and my destiny. The days that me stop and think, Lord I am undone in your Presence.  These are the days to be surprised by the magnitude of God's grace in sending His Son. These are the days to be overwhelmed by Him. Lord let me never stop seeing the wonder of You!
    Sometimes we think we have God figured out. That we can control Him by our words, actions, deeds, even declarations. The wonderment of God is that He is the Almighty.  He is God and we are not. And the great wonderment is that He loves us and cares for us even as we struggle to create our God box so we can define Him. Can we capture even a whirlwind? Can we tell the sun when to rise or the moon when to set? Can we hear the song of the galaxy? Can we make it sing a different tune? We serve a God who with His Words created these with His breath! The wonder and amazement of this simple fact, the God of the universe loves me. He see me, He knows me and He loves me. Think on that for a minute. Oh the wonder of it!

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