Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Blessings

I feel like a kid who just got out of school for the summer. Yes, it is finally happening. Marc and I are taking the summer off from the pulpit and the pastorate of our little church. I am giddy with excitement. Now that doesn't mean that I won't miss our little congregation and our awesome worship and Marc's amazing preaching but come on now...Woo HOO! we get to travel, seek God on a personal level and get some much deserved rest. Yes, as much rest as you can get while working a full time job but rest nonetheless. Sunday was an amazing service. We licensed three new ministers of the Gospel. We passed out symbolic keys and we rejoiced in the Lord in the newness of what He is doing at PromiseChurch. Pastors Justin and Jaclyn Russell of Cloud and Fire Ministries are taking the helm for the summer and we could not be more grateful to them. We know that our flock is in good hands and we can't wait to see the favor of the Lord on this season in their lives. As for us, well you never know where we will pop into church this summer. But I will try to post it on my blog or on my Facebook page, which you can request me a friend by That is my email address! Well be blessed, it just feels like I am running in the grass with bare feet or on the sand or well you get the idea..
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan