Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happily Ever After in the After Life: What? Part 2

Previously on happily ever after in the after life: I reported on my lack of desire and or ability to go out into the streets to pray for the sick, and offer all the promises of God through Jesus Christ. You can check out my Part 1 dated June 8, 2009 when all I was concerned about was the neighbor's gas mileage not his eternal soul. But it was recommended to me that I take this as a challenge and a learning situation and get out there to offer Jesus as the way the truth and the life. So one never to be challenged alone, and knowing that one of our network ministries in Altus was setting up a missions church, I decided to organize a power evangelism seminar. It was amazing! My friend Emily Havens came with her husband Jon and her three children and brought their friends Wesley and Mia and their three children and conducted the best most thorough explanation of going out into the streets to witness for Christ. Basically you knock on doors and offer prayer for the needs of the household. We sent out 6 teams into the surrounding neighborhood to see what would happen. And guess what.... God showed up and wow! Marc went with Emily and the second door that they knocked on and asked if they could pray for her the woman said yes! This was her need. Her husband had been murdered last year and she had to testify in court this week and she didn't think she could do it. She was overwhelmed with tears that God has sent someone to her door when she needed a touch from Him the most! Power evangelism Rocks!!! Justin led a team to a home where the husband had recently lost his job. He and Sandra and Dillon prayed for her and the tears just started to flow on her front porch! (Note to self bring Kleenix next time). God touched her for His glory! Several people asked the teams to come back for more prayer or when others would be home that needed a touch from God! We will be taking teams out in the Oklahoma City area this week and learning to hear the voice of God as we minister Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. I can't wait to see what Part 3 brings forth! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan