Thursday, October 6, 2011

Interpreting a Vision

So you have had a vision and now you are not sure what to do with what you have seen. Well, let me begin by saying that visions, dreams, and prophetic words are like onions. They have layers. That is why I tell people to write them down. God's words to us are true and yea, and amen! so when you receive a word from Him, keep a record of it. That way when it comes time for prophetic activation to occur you have the roadmap written down. In order to interpret your vison or dream you need a vision dictionary or encyclopedia if you will. A dictionary will give you basic knowledge of objects, colors, numbers etc but an encyclopedia view will give you the depth and breadth of interpretation that you need. Where do you get these materials? I have some blogs available on prophetic colors, prophetic objects, etc...But developing your own vision interpretation dictionary and encyclopedia is important. When you see a vision here are some basic steps to take
1.Write it down. Not just the basics but
try to remember details. Timing, places, names, clothing and colors. What were you feeling at the time of the vision, fearful, excited, angry, joyful. Who else was there in the vision?
2. The dictionary part: look at each item individually for pieces of information that you can readily see.
3. The encyclopedia approach: now gather up the important timeline of the vision. What happened and in what sequence.
4 Finally the most important. Ask the Holy Spirit to grant you wisdom and revelation as you seek to learn more about what He has shown you.
These basic steps are key to understanding the vsion that God has given to you.
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and learning about visions.

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