Saturday, December 31, 2011

Called to be an Anna

Recently I heard a friend refer to the Anna anointing: that anointing which allows one to pray and fast and wait for destiny to be birthed. This is different than the gifting of the midwife which is actually present at the birth. This is the anointing for the waiting room. Now think about your experience in a waiting room at a hospital or birthing center. You are not in the room, you don't really know how far along the process is, or when the baby will arrive. You have to have patience. You have to be able to look into the future and see the end result.
The Anna anointing involves prayer and fasting but also patience and trust. The Messiah had been promised for thousands of years. In the last 400 years in Israel's history the prophet's had gone silent. There was a silence in the land. Interestingly enough it was 10 (the number of the law) times 40 the number of years the Israelites had wandered in the wilderness. Anna was a woman of prayer and fasting and the Bible says in Luke 2:37, that she "departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day." In other words she never left the waiting room!The temple was the spiritual hub of the day and this woman stayed there all the time seeking God. Now what happens when you spend time seeking God is that when He shows up in a new way you recognize Him! This is exactly what happened with Anna. She was in the Temple praying and fasting and then Mary and Joseph show up with baby Jesus. But not as the Triumphant King that Israel was expecting but as a small baby. But Anna saw the gift of God even though the gift was not in the package other's expected!  She was one that pierced the current world structure with her proclamation to all who looked for redemption in Israel. She pierced the old structure by pointing to a new paradigm! That Christ had come in the form of a babe!
 So the Anna anointing rests on one who through prayer and fasting will pierce the world's structure by recognizing the gift of God for the new season!
If you are an Anna prepare to take your gifting to the next prophetic activation by decreeing that the old structures cannot hold the new manifestation of God. Prepare to pierce the atmosphere with revelation gleaned from your position in the spiritual hub of prayer and fasting.
This is Pastor Susan calling forth all the Anna's to arise. Decree now that the old has passed away and look for new revelation!