Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Relentless March of Time

One of my favorite movies of all times is A Christmas Carol.  The one with the muppet characters, that is narrated by Rizzo the Rat.  And in this movie there is a line that I think about often. It is when Rizzo talks about the relentless march of time as Ebenezeer Scrooge watches his life past, present and future, march by in the form of the Christmas spectors. I think a lot about how time marches on and how we are incapable of stopping it. We are incapable of even putting on a pause button.  We can only participate in the river that is time. 
As Christians we understand that time has a beginning and an end.  And outside of the river of time is eternity.  We were created to live in the space of eternity, but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of eden threw us into the raging river of time.  We have a space of the eternity known as time in which to enter the door of salvation through Jesus our Messiah. Think of time as the doorway, the gateway to the eternity and where you will spend it.  When you exit your river, where will you be? Which side of the shore will you be on? The Bible talks about the great divide and Christian writers have written about it previously, see C.S. Lewis book the Great Divorce. It is not about divorce it is about the separations that exist in eternity.
What does this have to do with the everyday prophetic life?  Just that there will soon not be an everyday but an eternity,  Think about it.

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