Sunday, June 24, 2012

When Revival Breaks Forth.

The cool thing about God encounters to me is that they are never really planned by us.  A God encounter is when HEAVEN breaks in on EARTH and everything changes. This process is something that we can learn from church history BUT hopefully it is something that we have learned in our everyday life. They can be expected by us, longed for by us, prayed for by us, and planned for by us, but God is God and when He breaks in with the supernatural to the natural it never really looks like we expect it to and we are usually not fully prepared for what comes next. Sorry everyone who goes to church at 10:00 on Sunday mornings or Wednesdays at 7:00 or ....well you get the picture.
     Now as much as we would like to think it is a common experience for HEAVEN TO COME DOWN TO TOUCH EARTH, it is  not. That is why the great revivals and times of God moving powerfully among men in a way that changes everything are so documented and talked about by those who were there so to speak. They write books about them and they make movies about them too.
     When our children were little, because these amazing  encounters were not happening everywhere,  when I would hear of a place where the HOLY SPIRIT was pouring out, Marc and I would get the kids in the car and head in that direction. Because one touch from GOD changes everything! We went everywhere we could where the Spirit of God was falling. We were literally God chasers because we would chase after the Presence. I remember standing in line in a parking lot for 8 hours to get a seat in a church where GOD had broken into the services.To this day when I carry a large purse I hear in my heart the greeting from the gentleman at the door, "NO backpacks, book bags, umbrellas or coolers will be allowed into the sanctuary" Why? Because there was barely enough room for the people to get in!
     Now friends, Pastors KNOW this about church.  They know that unless GOD breaks into a meeting everyone is going to go to the cafeteria in an hour and then home to rest.
     I remember a time when Marc and I were pastoring a small church and we decided to have a three night revival. And on the third night, God began to speak to my spirit, GET READY!! and the atmosphere in the room shifted. The whole air became alive like you were breathing the Presence! And then miracles started to happen! Like popcorn! And we were trying to figure out what to do next because we were NOT PREPARED for a GOD ENCOUNTER! The three days turned into eight weeks of non-stop miracles, deliverance, healing, destiny changing revival not because we planned it but because GOD broke into the meetings.
I believe Oklahoma has broken through and entered into one of these God appointed miracle Presence filled and fire imbued revivals!! I believe that God is raising up Pastors, leaders and those who know how to administrate a great move of God... There is a gifting to knowing how to host the Presence.  Until recently, I don't know why, but I had never really thought of hosting that revival as special.  I had just always expected we would have one and so I had studied what to do when one breaks out.  But now I realize it was a training ground for this new season.  I believe that many will be trained to host the Presence for sustained periods of time and to have an understanding of what the means.
Ok here is an example. Think of it like a hotel.  You have a place to stay BUT if you don't have staff to manage the hotel think of the results.. The rooms would never be cleaned. You would run out of supplies, the rooms would be double booked on one floor and vacant on another... the keys would not be coded for the locks... etc. etc. etc. You see the picture. Hosting the Presence and the Glory in the Old Testament was a full time job and there were rules about how this had to exactly occur.  We are not about "rules" but we are about honoring God's Presence in our midst. 
That is what I have been thinking about since Saturday night's crazy revival until midnight! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic life and ministering in revival.

1 comment:

  1. And what a time it was...and to think I had plans to go stripper fishing!


Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan