Sunday, April 10, 2011

Get out the Shovel it's time to dig!

Get out the Shovel it's time to dig!

There is this really nasty, horrible weed that gets in my yard every spring! It is my nemesis. It has spikes on the edges of the leaves and if you try to pull it out of the ground, those spikes sting your fingers like a thousand bees. Even with thick leather gloves this nasty weed will find a way to make your fingers swell with irritation and pain. Now these weeds like to gather along the fence line. And they like to get big as a small bush if left unattended. So when I am busy and miss a week of mowing and edging then those horrible thorny places take up residence where my dog Molly likes to run and bark at Bear the Irish Setter that lives next door on the other side of the fence. But those weeds have an even nastier after effect on Miss Molly's paws. And so during the night she will chew at her paws and try to make herself more comfortable after running through those prickly patches. And as I am a light sleeper the chewing wakes me up.

Now Marc likes to spray at weeds. I think this just makes them madder and angrier and they spread out on the ground and don't really die just get wider. But when I get ready for battle, my weapon of choice is a big iron shovel and a large Oklahoma City big blue trash bin. Let's get going it's time to dig. So with boots on my feet, long pants and long sleeve shirt, leather gloves it's time for weed decimation. And so I dig. And I get it out by the root. And I throw it into the Big Blue bin and then take that whole mess out to the curb.

Now how does that relate to the everyday prophetic life? Well, it you have thorny places in your need the proper equipment to pull them out or they will just spread and make it more difficult and painful to get them out the next time. If you have things that make you go OW!! then you need to get on the full armor of God and pull them up. Because other's can be hurt by the thorns that we allow to grow into small bushes. Friends I encourage you today, don't use the spray approach in your set free process... get out your shovel and pull it out by the roots. You will be glad you did and you will probably sleep better! This is Pastor Susan living the everyday prophetic life.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan