Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Poured out for the Gospel

Poured out for the Gospel

When you are in ministry, you pour out your life for the Gospel. You pour out your heart for others, for the joy of the Lord, for the call on your life, for the message of peace and grace. You pour from the Lord into the lives of other's from a well that the Lord places in you.

But the reality of ministry is that sometimes the well goes dry. It can be as dry as the drought of Oklahoma. It can be as dry as the desert. And it can get that dry before you know it. You reach down for another cup of cool water to pass out to a thirsty believer and you just get a thud when the bucket hits the bottom. Not a cool splash of living water that refreshes you as you bring it forth. Just a strange thud and then you realize that the well is dry.

Now if you are in leadership or the pastorate or the prophetic, usually you don't tell anyone that the well is dry. You just fake it. You act like everything is fine. You put on a good face. You put on your bathing suit and pretend to splash around in the river of water. And sometime's you panic and you think, "What if I never feel the cool water of the Spirit in my soul again!"And so you continue the charade.

Jesus said that when we come to Him, He would give us living water. He said we would never be thirsty again. So why is the well dry? What has happened to plug it up. Ah! The cares of the world, the busyness of life, the lack of fellowship and prayertime with our beloved Savior.

Friends this happens to everyone at some point in their ministry. I want you to realize that this is normal. And the way to overcome this is to spend time with the Lord and be refreshed. Step back from the business and hustle and bustle and spend some time at Jesus feet. Be transparant in your ministry so others can see that sometimes it is ok to ask for help. Sometimes you just can't stand alone. God has set us in families.We are made to be a part of the body of Christ. Act like it. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

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