Monday, August 22, 2011

Living between the tick and the tock of the clock

Living between the tick and the tock of the clock is living in the present moment. We don't live in the tick of yesterday or the tock that is coming tomorrow, we are living in the pause that is the present moment of our lives. Pastor Marc always says that the past always wins. No matter how many times we review it and how many times we think we might have done something different, history has been written and cannot be altered. So in effect no matter how hard we strive to change the past -the tick- the past always wins because it cannot be changed. So let it go!

When we do that the pause becomes the loudest sound of all. It becomes the sound that we dwell in each day. And then we enjoy the pause that is the everyday moments of the everyday life, the everyday prophetic life.

We are reminded that God holds the future.Because He sees it and He knows what is coming. The sound of the tock is God's domain.

Don't be afraid of the future and don't mourn the past. Let go and let God be a part of this moment in your life.

This is Pastor Susan living the everyday prophetic life in the pause between the tick and the tock.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Understanding the Hebrew months

Understanding the Hebrew months. This month of Elul is associated with the time that the King is in the field. This is the time that Kings would come out of the palace and dwell among the people. To understand the month of Elul, you need an understanding of the Hebrew concept of time. To the Hebrew there is regular time "chol" and holy time "kodesh". The holy times are those set aside for festivals, shabbat, and holidays. These kodesh times are when we leave behind our daily routine and we enter into the presence of the Lord. The regular time is when we do our work, our daily routine, we are in our field so to speak. Remember in Bible times the field was where the farmer planted the seed, grew the produce and harvested the grain. To the Hebrews the month of Elul is considered a combination of times the kodesh and the chol. A time when we don't stop our activities to enter into His Presence, The King comes to us and enters into our field.
Jesus our Messiah is a living portrait of the month of Elul. Jesus came to us, He tabernacled among us. He dwelt among us. He brought the Presence of God into the daily lives of men.
When the King is in the palace there are many protocols to go through to visit with Him. There are many rules and regulations to enter the Holy of Holies if you will. But think of the difference when Jesus came and dwelt among us, among sinners and saints alike. Everyone had access to Him. The Pharisees, the Sadducees and the little children who Jesus said not to forbid to come to Him.
My favorite month of the year is the month of Elul. This year it begins at sundown on August 30, 2011. Enjoy you time with the Lord during this month and remember that He has come to meet you in your daily routine, your activities and your work.
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and meeting the Lord in my field.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cup of Peace

Sometimes on our journey with the Lord we are in a dry and thirsty land. We are parched and need a fresh cool drink of living water. We are in a desert season and we don't even realize how hot and dusty the road has become. In those times a cup of living water is exactly what we need. The cup that runs over in the presence of our enemies. The cup that we drink from and remember our salvation and our first love of the Lord. The cup that reminds us of simpler times and simpler places before we became battle weary and war wounded in this struggle against the powers of darkness. If you will.... the times that we remember the shire that verdant living green place full of peace and joy. For those of you on the front lines of this battle, may the Lord Himself today offer you that cup of refreshment. Drink deeply and find the rest for your soul. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and drinking of God's cup of peace.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Joy comes in the Morning! Creating your testimony

For those of you suffering loss, whether financial, relational, emotional pain or health issues, I want you to hear these words, "Where you are today is not where you will be tomorrow". It may feel like nothing will ever change. It may feel like you are always going to be broke or sick or sad but I assure you that what you are going through is not forever. Your sorrow has an expiration date. One of my favorite Scriptures is this, Psalm 30:5, "weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."  You are going to make it through this dark night of your life. And you are going to have a testimony. A testimony that no one can take from you as it is the story of your life. As you read my blogs you will see that they are the testimonies of my life. They tell the stories of God's victory in me over darkness, over financial loss, or emotional pain or sickness. I tell my story because to me it is the most powerful tool (other than the Bible) that I have to show others that God is alive and working in our day to day lives. I tell how God is interested that you have the dollars it takes to do your laundry when I blog about Money in the Wind. I tell about how God cares for our big financial needs in Hidden Treasures Revealed. I tell about the time I was on a remote island and all I wanted was two motion sickness pills and God sent an angel with them in the blog My angelic encounter. You are creating a testimony that cannot be taken from you as you walk out these experiences in your daily life. God is faithful. If you are sick or need healing, God is faithful. If you are sad or hurt in your soul, to the fiber of your being, God is faithful. He does NOT change. I believe that He is no respecter of persons. What He did for me, He will do for you. You are going to make it. When the sun comes up tomorrow you are one day closer to complete health, complete financial wholeness, complete emotional wholeness. I believe this and I believe this for you. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and creating a testimony

Monday, August 1, 2011

When winter left!

I was way up in Northwest Oklahoma on an early spring day. I was sitting at a stoplight facing west and looking north. Suddenly, the wind picked up and blew from the south and the leaves from the long hard cold winter that were strewn about the intersection began to swirl to the North! I heard in my spirit, "There goes winter!" And then the leaves just went flying straight north, and it was as if the the winter had sounded a retreat in that blustery moment and away with the leaves flew the cold, and the bitter, and the hardness and barrenness of that season.
This physical manifestation of the abrupt end of winter gave me a picture that the winter season can end abruptly, quickly and decisively. And so today, I was sitting at my desk at work and in the spirit, I saw a whirlwind come and blow my spiritual winter season away and I watched as it went north and left. I thought to myself now that was surprising and I knew that everything had changed in a moment and I felt the excitement of new beginnings and springtime.
If you are in a winter season, you might read my blog, Lo, the Winter is Past! and if you need to understand a microvision you might read Wait! Was that a Vision? But right now I want to pray for you!
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for my friend, my brother and sister in the Lord, and I pray that the wind of the Spirit will come and blow away the barreness, the cold, the bitter hardness of winter and launch them into the beginning of springtime! May miracles, signs and wonders, and gifts be poured abundantly upon them like the springtime rain! Lord Let it Rain! Let it Rain! Amen!
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life in the glorious newness of spring!