Monday, June 27, 2011

Prophetic Dreams

Dream a Little Dream for Me!
Dreaming is more than just random thoughts that come to us in our sleep. Dreaming is a language that once you learn it is full of information and guidance from the heavenly realm. Dream images can contain the codes that you need to move in the prophetic in your everyday life. Do you remember when you were a kid you would get a spy kit and it always had in it a secret decoder ring? Well to understand your dreams you need a special decoder "ring", the Bible! Yes the Bible contains vivid imagery and gives us many clues as to the meaning of each image. So how do you create your own dreaming prophetic code? To start with you need a journal in which to write down each dream and each revelation of the image in the dream. After awhile you will begin to see a pattern develop. Just as you found your prophetic voice and your prophetic song, you will find your prophetic dream language. You should develop your understanding of numbers, places, objects, and animals. These will all help you to crack your prophetic dreaming code!
Here is a prophetic dream that I had recently. See if you can crack the code!
I dreamt that I was going to a luncheon at a beautiful tearoom. It was a victorian tearoom with roses and mahagony furniture. There were gorgeous serving pieces of silver and there were large, large cupcakes with blue and pink icing on top. Someone had made me a gift and I was searching the room for it but I couldn't find it. One of my dear friends was the hostess for the luncheon. She was dressed in a blue two piece suit and she had on a pearl necklace.
OK let's start: me means food and a set time for eating. So I had a set appointment for spiritual food. The tearoom has special meaning for me because I am a tea drinker and I love tearooms. So this was going to be a very special set time for spiritual nourishment. The room was beautiful which to me which means I enjoyed the atmosphere. So I know that at this set time for spiritual nourishment I will enjoy the atmosphere. (To me an atmosphere that I enjoy is always prophetic) So it is a set time for spiritual nourishment in the prophetic. Roses... Jesus is our Rose of Sharon, so I knew that Jesus would be there to greet me in my ministry. Mahogany furniture... wood is something that will pass away because it is temporal but mahogany is one of the hardest woods and so where I will be in the natural will be strong and sure. The serving pieces were made of silver... silver is refined by fire and is something that does not pass away. And there was a special gift that had been made from the mahogany that I couldn't find. Which means that the gifting is not in the open yet. It has not been revealed. The huge cupcakes with delicate blue and pink icing to me means a place of children and of childlike enjoyment! It is going to be a place where I can be a child in His Presence. Finally, my friend the hostess, usually people are not the people that you recognize but rather an angelic presence in the midst. This friend of mine is intimately involved in the Healing Rooms and so this place for me will be a place of healing, and the pearls represent wisdom and the blue two piece outfit represents the heavenlies. I have been praying for the Lord to set Marc and I in place and I had this wonderful dream of all that God has in mind for us.
Now you try it! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and Dreaming in the Night!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Letting it Go!

Pastor Marc teaches a wonderful lesson on Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. Sometimes the fact that I need to forgive someone or something just surprises me. I am just going along minding my own business and BAM! unforgiveness just sneaks up and grabs your heart. I still want justice which includes my version of someone suffering the same type of loss that I have suffered at their hands. But guess what? That person has moved on and it is seriously time for me to let it go. So how do you do that Pastor Susan? You make a choice. Just like you choose to live in joy, you choose to live in forgiveness. Big deep breath. Breath in and now breath out and let it go. And now you are free from the burdon of trying to make someone regret an action that they have no thought of anymore. And you are free from the burdon of carrying out a just settlement of hurts and wrongdoings. And you are free yourself to move on in God. So when unforgiveness hits you BAM.... Just do this B-Breathe in really deep, A-Allow yourself the freedom to M-Move on and Let it go! This is Pastor BAM BAM Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


As prophets we spend a lot of time speaking and contemplating the future. Because the prophetic is a forthtelling, a declaring of what is to come and what can be. But I have been thinking about the word "legacy".  How do I want those I love the most to remember me. How do I want my ministry to be remembered. What am I building that will remain behind for others to build on. God is the God of  generations. What you build will be foundational for your children and grandchildren.
Are you building on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ? Are you building without cracks and scars in the floor?  Think about it. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Cosmos is Rending It's Garments

Recently I wrote the blog, the Earth is Rending her Garments. Translated into both French and Spanish it seemed to resonate with people and was read around the globe. The cataclysmic events continue and if we turn our eyes toward the sky, we see another example of the universe crying out about the times and the seasons. Let me emphatically state that no man knows the hour when our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will return. But the Word is full of references to signposts that tell us we are moving toward the end of times.
Shortly after writing my blog about the tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes of unprecedented violence and frequency, the sun made an announcement of it's own. On June 7, 2011, the sun emitted a Coronal Mass Ejection that was unexpected and so large in the particles thrown into space it was called a gargatuan solar flare. If it had not been diverted from the earth's direction, it would have disabled power grids around the planet. According to the national geographic website an unusually large amount of material lofted up in this Mass Ejection, so much so that when it expanded and fell back to the sun it covered one half of the surface of the sun itself!  Further study reveals that after this event the sun is now falling into an unexpected period of solar "sleep" or lack of solar activity. The absence of solar flares has not seen since 1645 when the canals in Europe froze solid.
Beloved, as a watchman on the wall it my job to sound the alarm in whatever direction that signal comes from for us. Be it from the earth, the sun or the moon or the sky!
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and keeping watch on the walls.

Joy is a weapon of warfare!

I spent many years being sad. I was sad even when I was happy. Sadness had become a way of life for me. I just kept a part of my heart where I thought no one could see how sad I was inside. My circumstances would allow me to experience happiness but that is not the same as being joyful. No matter what I could not seem to overcome the deep sadness that had invaded my soul. Until one day I heard a preacher say that my sorrow had an expiration date. What? Says who? And then he quoted a Scripture that says in Psalms 30:5, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."When the morning comes, the season for sorrow is over. For the first time I had hope. God has declared that there was an end point for the sorrow. That was a Scripture I could stand on.
When I realized that it could end, I began to study about sadness and it's counterpart: JOY. Because you can be happy which is related to your circumstances or you can have JOY which is related to your spirit.  The Scripture in  Proverbs 17:22, states that " a broken spirit drieth the bones." but Nehemiah 8:10, says, "the joy of the LORD is your strength." Now your bones are foundational to what helps you stand up. If you are going to be victorious in battle you have to be able to stand up and go forward. But my sorrow was keeping my spiritual bones dry and brittle. And so I had no strength. Recently I read somewhere that fatigue was the cause of one out of three doctor's appointments in this country. People are tired because they have sorrow/sadness or dare I say it depression. BUT the word says the JOY of the LORD is my strength. Depression the enemy of my spirit had squelched my joy. Which is NOT controlled by what is happening around you but by your spirit. The Word says that the fruit of the Spirit is love then JOY. It does not say that you will have JOY when your circumstances change for the better, it says you will have JOY because God's Holy Spirit will create the fruit in you because of HIS presence. So do you chose to stand in sorrow or do you chose to pick up the weapon of our warfare, the fruit of the Spirit and have JOY. Personally, I stepped out of darkness and into HIS marvelous light. And in the natural NOTHING has changed. But in the spirit I changed because I chose JOY. I am free from sorrow and bondage and JOY has become my weapon of choice to victory. How does that work? When I find myself slipping into sorrow, I remind myself that to defeat the plan of the enemy that is to wreak havoc and chaos in my life, I need my strength which comes from the Lord and is found in the fruit of His Presence known as joy. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual and JOY is one that you need to use in this fight.
This is Pastor Susan Joyfully Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Releasing Destiny

I think of myself as a spiritual midwife. It is my role to help you birth your destiny from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. God has a destiny plan for your life and when the appointed time for that destiny to come forth arrives it is good to have a spiritual midwife to help. What are the qualifications for such a position? Understanding the times and the seasons is a prerequisite.  Exodus talks about the midwives named Shiphrah and Puah in Exodus1:15. At that time Pharaoh was ordering all the Hebrew boy infants to be killed at birth. (Exodus 1:16)  These women against the orders of the most powerful man alive at the time, Pharaoh, saved the Hebrew babies from destruction because they "feared God" (Exodus 1:17). So a spiritual midwife fears God and because of her understanding of the times and seasons, she knows that sometimes there is a greater purpose in the laws and decrees of the land. She knows that there are powers in place that would seek to destroy the plans of God. But being in the right position at the right time, she can protect the destiny of a nation.  Moses was one who was saved by the Hebrew midwives. His destiny was to lead the people to the promised land and to perform miracles by God's power and to receive the Torah for the people.
A spiritual midwife is one who will get in between you and the enemies plan to destroy your destiny in it's first moments of fruition. She will stand there between you and everything unholy and tell you that God's timing is now and it's time to push for your deliverance. Because she understands timing you will often find a prophetic anointing as part of the midwife role.
Part of the process of spiritual birth is to create an atmosphere of faith and to help you stir up the gift of faith in you. To create an atmosphere of faith a spiritual midwife has to be one that walks in faith for herself. She must be one who time after time has seen the hand of God move and the supernatural power of God be manifest. She can't just say, I think your destiny is about to be born. She is one who says IT'S TIME TO PUSH! at the right moment.
Now a spiritual midwife doesn't get to stay in one place very long. Because there are always more spiritual births to attend. But when I meet someone new, I am always excited for them because I know that God has made our paths to cross for His divine purpose.  Something is about to change in their life and God is about to break out in a whole new way for them. It's a precious experience to be there when someone is on the threshold of the new day in their lives.
This is part 1 of a series I am calling- Opening the Gate. You may enter your email address for the blog to come to directly to you. Or you may choose to be a follower. As always I welcome your comments and trust that this blog blesses you in your walk with the Lord. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and encouraging you in yours!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me this I know. This precious little childrens' song has taken me through some deep tribulations. Sickness, the death of loved ones, loss, and financial hardship have all been softened by singing quietly this sweet little song, "Jesus loves me." It is foundational to the gospel. It is the cornerstone of Christianity. It is the basis and core of my beliefs, "Jesus loves me." It is a statement and a  proclamation. I know that He loves me and I can be at peace in that knowledge. Unconditional love is a powerful force and the unconditional love of God is the most life changing experience you will ever have. When I realized that Jesus loved me, I cried for three days. I couldn't carry on a conversation for the weeping at the knowledge of the love of God. God showered me with His love and I understood for the first time my salvation experience. Just think about for one brief moment how much Jesus loves you. When the storms roll in try singing the song and you will be blessed. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and singing about Jesus love.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Purple Bumblebees

While cutting the lavender wands for my anointing oil the most unexpected thing happened. I was dive bombed by a purple bumblebee. The bumblebee was covered with the purple pollen from the flowers on the wands. It wanted the pollen and it was willing to let me know to move back. Now as a kid one of my summer pastimes was catching bees in a jar. We always had little white flowers all over the yard and I always had an empty jar and more courage than was smart for a scrawly little kid. I could catch five bumblebees in a baby food jar before one of them buzzed out. Then I would drop the jar and all the bees would swarm out and sent me running and screaming into the house. I think of bees as childhood friends. So I got very close to the bee today and watched it go from flower wand to flower wand. I was amazed that it was purple. And I thought about the anointing oil I was going to make. And I thought about the oil representing the Presence of God. And I thought about how cool it would be to just be like the bee covered in the anointing and glory of God with a visible tangible evidence that was plain to the naked eye. And then I thought about Moses coming down off of Mt. Sinai with such a tangible evidence of the glory of the Lord on his face that he had to cover it with a cloth.  That happened on Shavuot the day the Torah was given. The day we celebrate today and on Pentecost Sunday. And here is my prayer for today: Oh Lord make me like Moses with my face covered in your glory. Make my face to shine with Your Presence. Let me be like a simple purple bumblebee covered in the evidence of where I have been and let that be with you! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life while picking flowers.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Trouver votre voix prophetique

Quand je pense à la voix du prophète, je pense au 40:3 d'Isaïe, "La voix de celui qui crie dans le desert: Preparez le chemin de l'Eternel, aplanissez le chemin de l'Eternal, aplanissez dans le lieu sterile une route pour notre Dieu." le prophète est le précurseur. La personne qui avance et fait tout simplement la manière du seigneur. Qui indique le monde et l'église que le SEIGNEUR vient et pour rendre sa manière droite. Sortez en d'autres termes le crookedness, le twistedness en vos vies. Le précurseur sait que vous êtes dans un désert si vous don' ; t ont Dieu vivant dans votre vie. Le prophète sait que vous avez sec et soif. La personne qui pleure dans la région sauvage est la personne qui va où les choses sauvages existent toujours. Le prophète a souvent un seul appelant aller aux endroits secs et où l'herbe n'est pas verte et où les conforts de l'établissement du tabernacle de Dieu n'ont pas été encore établis (la région sauvage). Le prophète est celui dont la voix vous entendez. C'est pourquoi il est si important de trouver votre voix prophétique. Pensez à trouver votre voix prophétique en tant que conclusion de votre modèle. Par exemple : Je parle souvent du destin, et de rencontrer votre moment de destin dans Dieu. Je parle de l'activation prophétique comment obtenir du mot prophétique que vous avez été donné à l'activation lui faisant une réalité dans votre vie. Vous devez faire votre propre voix de bruit c.-à-d., c.-à-d. le modèle qui devient reconnaissable à ceux autour de vous. Il y a un thème par mélodie de base qui réverbérera par tous les giftings prophétiques dans votre vie. Écoutez ce que vous parlez au-dessus de d'autres. Puisque vous pouvez seulement donner une personne un mot, mais te peut donner des douzaines de différents mots aux douzaines d'autres personnes. Écoutez ainsi ce que vous dites et du fait vous commencerez à entendre le modèle. Vous commencerez à entendre votre mélodie. Alors vous aurez commencé le processus de trouver votre voix prophétique. Vous pouvez vouloir vérifier mes blogs sur activer votre destin prophétique et votre chanson prophétique. Également le blog sur un rendez-vous avec le destin peut te donner un certains autres enseignement et arrangement à ce sujet. Prenez une minute et inscrivez-vous pour mon blog par l'email. Et comme toujours j'aime lire vos commentaires. Merci de l'arrêt près ! C'est pasteur Susan vivant la vie prophétique journalière.

Shavuot !! (Pentecost)

Today is Shavout!!  Shavout is the Jewish holiday celebrating the giving of the Torah. It is celebrated seven weeks after Passover. As Christians we celebrate Pentecost at approximately the same time. So Shavout is about revelation. The revelation of God's word. Pentecost is about revelation. The revelation of the Holy Spirit. When the Torah was given the mountain shook with thunder, lightning and the voice of God in the morning. When the Holy Spirit was given it was morning and there was a sound of a rushing mighty wind. The Jewish tradition states that the Hebrews were given little crowns of fire. The book of Acts states that the disciples had tongues of fire on their heads. The Jewish tradition says that the sound of God's voice was in all 70 languages that the Jewish people believe are the foundational languages of the world. On Pentecost the people heard each man speaking in his own language. 
The Jewish people believe that there is an open heaven over the earth at midnight on Shavout, an open portal to the heavenlies. But with the giving of the Holy Spirit we have an open heaven over the earth all the time. We are always able to receive the revelation. As prophets the giving of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost is pivotal so that we can move in our prophetic giftings. But let us never forget that the prophetic gift is based on the Word the Torah that was given on Shavout. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Finding Your Prophetic Voice

When I think of the voice of the prophet, I think of Isaiah 40:3, "The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God." The prophet is the forerunner. The one who goes ahead and makes plain the way of the Lord. Who tells the world and the church that the LORD is coming and to make His way straight. In other words take out the crookedness, the twistedness in your lives. The forerunner knows that you are in a desert if you don't have the living God in your life. The prophet knows that you are dry and thirsty. The one who cries in the wilderness is the one who goes where the wild things still exist. The prophet often has a lonely calling going to the dry places and where the grass is not green and where the comforts of the establishment of the tabernacle of God have not yet been built (the wilderness). The prophet is the one whose voice you hear. That is why it is so important to find your prophetic voice.  Think of finding your prophetic voice as finding your pattern. For example: I speak often of destiny, and encountering your destiny moment in God. I speak of prophetic activation- how to get from the prophetic word that you have been given to the activation making it a reality in your life. You have to make your own sound i.e. voice, i.e. pattern that becomes recognizable to those around you. There is a theme a basic melody that will reverberate through all the prophetic giftings in your life. Listen to what you are speaking over others. Because you may only give a person one word, but you may give dozens of  different words to dozens of other people. So listen to what you are saying and in that you will begin to hear the pattern. You will begin to hear your melody. Then you will have begun the process of finding your prophetic voice. t

You may want to check out my blogs on Activating your prophetic destiny and your prophetic song. Also the blog on An Appointment with Destiny may give you some further teaching and understanding on this subject.

Take a minute and sign up for my blog by email. And as always I love to read your comments. Thank you for stopping by! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

Anointing Oil

First of all let me say that I love anointing oils. I love the different kinds for different needs and different expressions of God. They have beautiful fragrances and often come in beautiful bottles. A few years ago I decided I wanted to make an oil of my own. I would like to make several oils over the next few years but of course in any journey you have to take the first step and make the first one. A couple of years ago I had planted a lavender plant in my garden. Now I live in Oklahoma and I have red dirt clay in my yard and it takes work to make anything grow. But I dug out that red clay and I put in 12 inches of good rich soil. And I planted a small lavender plant. Which grew and grew and grew and then I heard the words "Peace be still". Lavender is known for the calming effect of the fragrance. And I researched how to make oils and figured out the simplest way to make a unique fragrance. I used the oil we purchased for the Passover table and the lavender blooms from the garden. I ordered my bottles from New York and set to work. I made my first 12 small bottles and gave them all away. The first bottle went to the Kingfisher Healing Rooms. I was blessed to be the first person to receive prayer as I had been experiencing a migraine headache. The Lord healed me that night and said peace be still to the storm creating that terrible headache. I thought that would be the only Peace be still oil that I made because this past winter was so harsh and then drought and then floods and I never thought the lavender plant would make it this year but as you can see it tripled in  size! So I am making another batch of oil. I am using this year's Passover oil and I will harvest the lavender on Shavuot. (Easter to Pentecost). Whatever God calls you to do He is able to provide the resources, the knowledge, the fortitude and lasting ability to flourish under hardship conditions so that you can accomplish His purpose in the world. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life. PS If you would like to order a bottle of the Peace be Still Oil send me a message.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Silent Shout

Sometimes we say that we can't hear God's voice. That he only speaks to other people and never to me. Sometimes we say that because we can't hear Him but He is shouting to us in the silence and the quiet. We imagine that God's voice must include thunderings and lightnings. But sometimes the voice is silent and still like a whisper. Those are the times when we learn to trust that every moment of every day the Lord is speaking to us. Look around you at the Lord's creation and you will hear Him speaking to you. Look up at the night sky filled with the galaxies and you will hear Him speaking to you. Look into the depths of the sea and you will hear Him speaking to you. Look inside your heart and you will hear Him speaking to you. And hearing the Lord's voice is a critical step in learning to hear in the prophetic. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

Your Revelation - Understanding the Prophetic

I was reading in Revelation 11:1 "And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein." , and I was struck by the fact that the angel gave John a task to do. I thought now why would the angel who probably knows all about the measure of the temple give John this work to do. Frankly I thought that would be a lot of work since the temple was big and the reed was small. It made me tired just to think about it. Why Lord? Why couldn't the angel just tell him the measurements? And I heard the Lord say to me that we have to participate in our revelation. Oh! Our revelation becomes clearer as we participate in the process. And I remembered all the late nights of "participating in my revelation". And it made sense to me. How much I had learned in the process versus just being given the revelation.When you participate in it then it because your own. It stays with you and becomes part of your being. Question: What effort have you put forth to receive a prophetic revelation? This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.