I have been thinking about the justice of God lately. I have been thinking about this alot. I asked Marc the question the other day, "Why is God just and what does that mean?" He explained that justice was a question of truth. That truth and justice go hand in hand. So because He is the only Truth He is the ultimate justice. And that goes hand in hand with fairness which is justice without partiality.
It is easy to forget sometimes that the enemy of Truth is lies and deception and that God has no role in the lying and the deception. It is easy to forget sometimes that the enemy doesn't play fair and the variable to justice is our response to the attack of the enemy.
Have you ever imagined a world where justice, truth and fairness have been overpowered by evil, lies and deception? Where the moral compass of humanity has gone missing? Sometimes in those situations we human beings ask, "Why?" Why did this happen to me? God is always just and without partiality. When we say Life is not fair we are in essence accusing God of not being fair. But the truth is that He never changes. He is always just. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and thinking some deep theological thoughts.
How do I live every day in the prophetic anointing that God has placed on my life? Read my stories and you will see how God teaches us each and every day to open spiritual gates, to do prophetic evangelism, to lead prophetic worship, to find the voice of the prophet in the ordinary.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Scars that make us Smile
When the girls were young we had an amazing pet named Missy. She was a big ole mutt that was part Manchester Terrier and part I don't know but looked mostly Rottweiler. Missy was a yard dog that the girls loved to play with in the summer and that I would feed and care for the other three seasons. She loved to stand on top of her dog house and put her paws on your shoulders and lick your face. She weighed in her hay day about 80 pounds. One summer day when Missy was getting ready to put her paws on my shoulders she missed and one of her giant dog claws ripped my left hand and wow did it bleed. I remember wondering then if I would have a scar and I did. It just never healed right. Well, Missy has been gone almost 7 years now. And for some reason today, when I looked at my hand I noticed the scar that goes from my thumb to my wrist. And I smiled. Because I remembered a time when the dog was young and the girls were still wanting to play in the backyard and it was summer. Point of the story: Sometimes the things that hurt the worst later become visible reminders of the joys in our life. Missy was a good faithful and protective pet. She watched over the girls and had infinite patience. Summers were fun and I was a stay home mom. The girls were little and still loved the back yard swing set. So my question is: What in your life left a scar but brings a smile when you remember now?
Marc preached last Sunday about Thomas and Jesus scars in His hands and feet. Those costly scars bought our salvation and I am sure that when Jesus looks at them He smiles.
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.
Marc preached last Sunday about Thomas and Jesus scars in His hands and feet. Those costly scars bought our salvation and I am sure that when Jesus looks at them He smiles.
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Rug of Miracles
It is almost time to close the doors. It is with incredible joy and sadness that Marc and I take this next step into our destiny. As the door is closing on this part of our ministry there are certain items that I cannot seem to let go of as easily as others. Chairs, we give them away, video projector, we give it away, sound system, we give it away and sow it into the next generation's ministry. The rug where pastors and prophets and friends and family have knelt on to pray and have found their miracles... I don't think I can let it go. Just seeing it everyday will be a physical reminder of the lame being healed and the lepers cleansed and the dead raised to new life in Christ. And the anointing oils that I carry with me from our church when I go out to minister, I think I will keep them.( I always feel like a Biblical apothecary as I carry my little box of special oils.) And the beautiful cross that was something I bought for my daughter Beth that I still have it on the altar.... And a blue and silver pillow with the Star of David on it that is on the altar... It is our joy to impart our mantles to the next generation. It is our joy to watch churches filled with God's grace and mercy and liberty and freedom springing up all over Oklahoma as part of the PromiseChurch network. It is our joy to watch ourselves be transformed into the new creation that the Lord is singing over our ministry even now. And so friends here is my question to you: What is it in your life that symbolizes all that God has done in you and through you and for you?
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Happily Ever After in the After Life: What? Part 2
Previously on happily ever after in the after life: I reported on my lack of desire and or ability to go out into the streets to pray for the sick, and offer all the promises of God through Jesus Christ. You can check out my Part 1 dated June 8, 2009 when all I was concerned about was the neighbor's gas mileage not his eternal soul. But it was recommended to me that I take this as a challenge and a learning situation and get out there to offer Jesus as the way the truth and the life. So one never to be challenged alone, and knowing that one of our network ministries in Altus was setting up a missions church, I decided to organize a power evangelism seminar. It was amazing! My friend Emily Havens came with her husband Jon and her three children and brought their friends Wesley and Mia and their three children and conducted the best most thorough explanation of going out into the streets to witness for Christ. Basically you knock on doors and offer prayer for the needs of the household. We sent out 6 teams into the surrounding neighborhood to see what would happen. And guess what.... God showed up and wow! Marc went with Emily and the second door that they knocked on and asked if they could pray for her the woman said yes! This was her need. Her husband had been murdered last year and she had to testify in court this week and she didn't think she could do it. She was overwhelmed with tears that God has sent someone to her door when she needed a touch from Him the most! Power evangelism Rocks!!! Justin led a team to a home where the husband had recently lost his job. He and Sandra and Dillon prayed for her and the tears just started to flow on her front porch! (Note to self bring Kleenix next time). God touched her for His glory! Several people asked the teams to come back for more prayer or when others would be home that needed a touch from God! We will be taking teams out in the Oklahoma City area this week and learning to hear the voice of God as we minister Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. I can't wait to see what Part 3 brings forth! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Happily ever after in the after life? What?
Why do I even watch tv? I just finished watching this movie about a gladiator who at the end dies and walks down a wheat field to meet his already dead wife and child. I think this movie has been out for several years so if I just ruined the plot for you sorry about that. Anyway, he just opens a big wooden door and goes through a wheat field and voila happily ever after in the after life. Where is that in the Scriptures? Where does it say we will rejoin our previous life already in progress. Honestly, this is why I have the $6.00 cable package, which by the way comes with about 14 shopping channels and all of 10 regular stations. Think of a world where your understanding of heaven came from movies. Well, here's the truth. The only way people are going to know what heaven is all about for real is for us to tell them. Yes, witnessing is what that was called in the 70's and 80's. Sharing is what we call it now and pretty much NOT doing it is what is happening in this century. Although today I was out on my walk and I noticed a well dressed women with a purse over her arm walking in high heels in my neighborhood. Ringing door bells before 10 am. She looked a little like June Cleaver. I thought well she is not Baptist because Baptist women don't go out alone and knock on doors. And then it hit me. Here is someone who is deceived about Christ out knocking on doors to share the untruth and here I am in the same neighborhood with a powerful message of truth, freedom in Christ and heaven and I am not "sharing". Yeah, my big knocking on a door was to tell Marc, go ring that doorbell because these people's car has been running for over 20 minutes, and I think they left it on. Yup more concerned about gas milage than heaven.
Well, this is Pastor Susan, Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and thinking about what that means in the EVERYDAY!
Well, this is Pastor Susan, Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and thinking about what that means in the EVERYDAY!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Summer Blessings
I feel like a kid who just got out of school for the summer. Yes, it is finally happening. Marc and I are taking the summer off from the pulpit and the pastorate of our little church. I am giddy with excitement. Now that doesn't mean that I won't miss our little congregation and our awesome worship and Marc's amazing preaching but come on now...Woo HOO! we get to travel, seek God on a personal level and get some much deserved rest. Yes, as much rest as you can get while working a full time job but rest nonetheless. Sunday was an amazing service. We licensed three new ministers of the Gospel. We passed out symbolic keys and we rejoiced in the Lord in the newness of what He is doing at PromiseChurch. Pastors Justin and Jaclyn Russell of Cloud and Fire Ministries are taking the helm for the summer and we could not be more grateful to them. We know that our flock is in good hands and we can't wait to see the favor of the Lord on this season in their lives. As for us, well you never know where we will pop into church this summer. But I will try to post it on my blog or on my Facebook page, which you can request me a friend by oklahoma_sweetheart_roses@yahoo.com That is my email address! Well be blessed, it just feels like I am running in the grass with bare feet or on the sand or well you get the idea..
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
When the ordinary becomes extraordinary in the hands of God.
It was just a cord, a rope, until Rahab let the spies down the wall using it. Then she bound the rope (scarlet thread) in the window to save her family. It was just a basket until Saul went down in it so he could fulfill his mission to Rome and the Gentiles. It was just a tent peg, until it secured victory for the Israelite army over the general Sisera. It was just an ordinary net until it was used to catch a boat sinking load of fish. Just five barley loaves and a two small fish until it became enough to feed five thousand. It was just a cruse of oil and a barrel of flour until it became enough to outlast a famine. It was just a stone, and Israel is full of stones, until David used it to slay a giant. It was just a rod, until the Lord God Himself asked Moses "What is that in thine hand?" All these ordinary everyday items became atmosphere changers when given to the Lord. Today my question for you is, " What ordinary thing do you have in your hand that when given to the Lord will accomplish an extraordinary purpose?"
This is Pastor Susan, Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.
This is Pastor Susan, Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Run Forest Run!
Run Forest Run! Famous words from a very famous movie. Probably more familiar to this generation than Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us," In many ways we as Christians are like the crippled little Forest in the movie. WE can run like the wind! But we just don't know it yet. WE can outrun the enemy! But we just don't know it yet. WE can break off the leg casts and irons that hold us back and run with abandon into our destiny! This is my exhortation to you today. This is my exhortation to me today. Run Susan Run! Run like the wind! The Bible teaches that we should encourage ourselves in the Lord. This is my encouragement to you. Permission granted to drop EVERY weight and sin that so easily ensnares us and go for it! And when you do start to run that great cloud of witnesses will be cheering you on in heaven and I will be cheering you on right here!
This is Pastor Susan "Living the Everyday Prophetic Life"
This is Pastor Susan "Living the Everyday Prophetic Life"
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Viking Warriors and Braveheart
One day I asked the Lord what I looked like in the spirit. Because you know we live in this body but we are soul and spirit forever. Anyway, I said Lord what do I look like in the spirit? And I saw this picture of this scene of one of my favorite movies "Braveheart". And on the front line getting ready to charge into the fiercest battle was this woman who stood there side by side with the men with her sword drawn and her eyes intent on victory. Her helmet was all battered and her shield had seen quite a few blows from the enemy. Her hair was a mess and her face was all dirty. She was bruised and yet resilient. She was not stopped. She was not afraid. She was intent and intensely prepared for the battle. She did not flinch or flee in the face of the enemy. And when the time came and the order was given she charged forth into the battle. Now some women might feel bad to think that in the spirit this is what they looked like. I am sure some women who ask that question would see a picture of a golden haired princess with shining robes and a halo or something. But I just saw the image of the Scottish warrior and it made me smile and cry- which I am sure Scottish warrior women did not do very often- but it was because I knew that the Lord saw me the way I really am. Ready to do His will, no matter the cost, and no matter the price. So why don't you stop for a moment right now and ask the Lord how He sees you in the spirit. What do you look like? I know He will show you.
Until next time,
This is Pastor Susan "Living the Everyday Prophetic Life".
Until next time,
This is Pastor Susan "Living the Everyday Prophetic Life".
Monday, May 4, 2009
Barking Dogs and Bullies
Well, that's Pastor Susan, Living the Everyday Prophetic Life!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Gold and Honey
"O taste and see that the Lord is good!" Psalm 34:8. And Psalm 19:10 "More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb." So recently, and I mean very recently this cool thing started happening in my meetings where the presence of the Lord has been so sweet. When the worship has brought in a sweet, sweet Presence of the Lord, it has become a physical manifestation of the taste of honey on our lips. I am always asking the Lord for the signs that make us wonder. I have a friend who when she is fully in the Presence of God she supernaturally begins to have the taste of wine. Of course I can pretty much count on one hand the number of times I have actually drunk wine but having heard that I asked Him well what would be my sign like that? And right away He said the taste of honey on your lips for the sweetness of His promises and His Presence. So at the first Open the Gates conference that is exactly what happened. I have attached the link from the worship leader's blog as she spoke about it as well. What a cool amazing anointing to have going on and what a powerful witness of the sweet Presence of the Lord.
That's all for this Sunday!
This is Pastor Susan "Living the Everyday Prophetic Life!"
That's all for this Sunday!
This is Pastor Susan "Living the Everyday Prophetic Life!"
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Every Day for Jesus

I realized yesterday that I was 14 or 15 years old when I said Yes to the King of Kings. I said Yes I will go where you want me to go. And I thought that the yes meant overseas... but it didn't. Oddly enough my Yes meant Oklahoma. Um Hum the land of the Bible Belt. Now why would Oklahoma need a girl who grew up 2 football fields from the ocean to come to this very religious place as His emissary? Well the key word is religious. The Father is not about religion He is about relationship. Religion is about what we do and relationship is about what He did. So the Everyday Prophetic Life is about living everyday in the relationship that He established that we could have through His Son Jesus Christ. My commission is to tear down religious strongholds. Here is a hint for you if you are in the business of tearing down religious strongholds. When they come down... get out of the way. You don't want the weight of the collapse to land smack on you. So when praying for strongholds to come down I have two pieces of advice. ONE: Keep your eyes open. Teach yourself to be able to pray with intensity and power and authority with your eyes open and your head up. Step Two: Keep your self out of the picture. Remember the stronghold isn't about you... it's about the religious entanglements that Christians allow themselves to become involved in on the assumption that God is honored by all the "trappings" of being a Christian. Remember God is honored by our worship and the attitude of our hearts.
Thought for the day: Religion decoder ring.... How many did you have in church today?
or How big was your offering and my personal favorite....How many do you have registered for your conference.
Relationship is 1 plus 1 just me and God. That's the only number involved.
Love you and until next time this is Pastor Susan living the Everyday Prophetic Life!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Pigs and Snakes
Our first assignment was Altus, Oklahoma. Altus means high place and so we were going to the high place to exalt King Jesus and open our first corner gate. And we pull up to the hotel where all this is going to happen and guess what? We are next door to the pig processing plant. Are you kidding me? And guess what else? Well 40000 people have arrived for the local rattlesnake round up. Yes. At the hotel breakfast Marc and I had quite a discussion with a table of hunters who had come from all over the state of Oklahoma to catch and kill rattlesnakes. Are you kidding me? The discussion took quite a turn with the explanation of the rattlesnake catching procedure etc. I guess some guy brought in 1000 pounds or rattler all by himself and another guy well he brought in an 84 inch long rattler. Now there has to be something prophetic about going to a town to open spiritual gates and being next to the pig factory and right smack in the middle of the poisonous snake hunt. So right there I knew that we were perfectly placed perfectly located and that the Lord was going to do a mighty work for His kingdom. And He did!
He showed Himself in power, in authority and in all the greatness of His goodness and might!
He showed Himself in power, in authority and in all the greatness of His goodness and might!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Open the Gates!- The Four Corners Ministry

Well let's just jump right in shall we and see what the Lord is doing in our midst! First of all let me give a little background to the Open the Gates:- the Four Corners Ministry. About two months ago the Lord asked my husband and myself to go to the four corners of Oklahoma and proclaim the message of the Gospel. And so we said yes. But we really had no idea what that meant we were supposed to do except in the next 12 months we were supposed to go to the edges of the part of Oklahoma that is Not the Panhandle and proclaim the message of the Gospel. So we said yes. And then we went to a meeting where we began to hear about how this was the year that the Lord was speaking the number 4 to His people. How people were waking up to pray at 4:44 in the morning and how Scriptures like Ezekial 44:4 were being given to people etc etc. Now in Hebrew the numbers have letters and the letters have meanings and the Hebrew number 4 is the letter Dallit and it means a Door. Or a gate. And then it just became clear to me. The Lord wanted us to go to the corners of Oklahoma and prophetically open the gates of Oklahoma for His Glory to flood in. Wow! What an awesome assignment. And I remembered that about 9 months ago, I had had an intercessor from Alaska, who had gone to the highest point in Alaska to pray and open the gate over Alaska. Well I had asked this woman to pray for me. I really wanted the anointing to open the gates (spiritual gates) of my city. But the Lord had something else in mind. So here we go and it has already been an amazing journey. But that is what this blog is about. The journey to see what the Lord is doing.
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