Friday, July 15, 2011

The Blind leading the way.

I was walking into my office complex a few days ago and noticed a small family group going in the door ahead of me. Among the group was a mother and her young son who she was leading by the hand. In the office complex are large white pillars that are located throughout the walkways. I was late for work and getting ready to run up the stairs when I saw and heard the little boy walk- bam right into the white pillar in front of him. But his mom did not stop pulling him along. "Ma'am, I said, he just hit his head". And when she turned around, I realized she was blind. She couldn't see him or even the white pillar. The other person wasn't a family member but rather a guide to help her get where she was going. As a good mother would she stopped and comforted the little boy. And as I was running up the stairs I was thinking, "Lord, no matter how awesome a relationship I have with someone, never let me follow someone who is spiritually blind." Amen. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and not following blindly or the blind.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan