Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wait! Was that a Vision? In the Blink of an Eye.

I want to describe what I call a microvision. That is a vision that happens in a microsecond, a blink of an eye. It is a vision that you can see with your natural eyes or your spiritual eyes. It happens so fast that sometimes you can't tell if your eyes were open or not. A microvision can contain a massive amount of heavenly information compressed into that fraction of the second.  For example yesterday I was thinking about changes in people I know and then I saw a big brown and black door close. It had a black doorknob. Wow that is a lot of information. Something was changing in the supernatural realm for the person and the door was a symbol of that change. Brown speaks of earthly things and black can speak of hidden things since darkness hides things. What was driving the change in their lives- the doorknob- was black and so I knew that there were hidden things that were controlling the change. That's a lot of information and that vision lasted less than a second.
Sometimes you are looking at a natural object and you see a supernatural change. One of the best examples I can think of this happened to a friend of mine several years ago. She was in her car and crossing the street in front of her was a commercial van. On the van instead of the wording advertising the business she saw the words, Revival is coming.
   The blink of an eye is a term we are used to from the Bible. The New Living Translation says "It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown." I Corinthians 15:52. The concept of important spiritual things happening in the blink of an eye is not new. One of the most important events of church history is the rapture of the bride of Christ being swept out of this world. And yet it happens in the blink of an eye. So this means that big important things don't need any more than a blink to take place. This is an important concept that we as Christians need to grasp. Sometimes the microvision is the most powerful spiritual event of the day, the everyday. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan