Thursday, July 21, 2011

Prophetic Places

Prophetic Places-A lesson
Here is a small sampling of the meaning of places in prophecy whether it is prophetic art, dreams or visions. Remember these descriptions are based on my own experience. As you develop your own dream journal you can add your own insights!

Bus, Train, etc Station- a meeting place for people and ministries going in different directions.   An example might be a ministry conference.

Beach or shoreline- a place to meet Jesus such as Peter did after the resurrection

Mountainside - a place that indicates a challenge

Basement- a foundational place so look for foundational issues being addressed in the prophetic word.

Attic- a storage place so look for things stored from the past that may need to be examined in a new light in your prophetic word or dream

Kitchen- a place of preparation of food so where you are being spiritually fed may need to be addressed.

Garden - look for new fruit for your ministry

Vineyard- look for new ministry gifts and manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Expect new wine!

Here is the basic idea, a natural place will indicate a spiritual meaning that is similar to the natural meaning. Look to the Word first to see what the Bible has to say about the place. Sometimes the places are addressed and explained in the Word. That is why a strong Biblical background is so important to prophetic interpretation.

Please check out my blog on Prophetic Colors and look for my soon coming blogs on Prophetic Numbers and Prophetic Objects.

This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life!

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