Saturday, July 9, 2011

Golden Honey

I dreamt that I was on a path that led up a mountain and up this path was a beautiful walled city. I dreamt that the air of this place was different than anything else that I had ever experienced. The air itself shimmered as if made of the finest particles of gold. The air had a tangible presence to it almost as if you were swimming in it rather than walking in it. It was thick in some ways like honey. There was such a peace and such a pure joy just because I was standing there in that presence. I dreamt that I was standing by a rose bush and the most beautiful fragrance was emanating from the roses. This dream happened around eleven years ago. But I still remember it like it was yesterday. I don't think of this dream as a prophetic dream. I think of it as a dream of place. In my spirit I was in a different place. I remember waking up and being surprised by how "blue" everything looked. Not the warm golden glow of the dream. Everything looked almost cold. And the air felt thin. And then I cried because my heart longed for the road with the path and the roses and the peace and the presence. When you have a dream of place, you realize that you have been somewhere different. There was more to this dream but I believe this is what I am allowed to share at this time. I believe that as we enter the end of the ages, more and more Christians will have dreams of place and they will see and experience things that they never have before now. Don't be surprised that part of the prophetic mantle can be the anointing to have this type of dream. It is part of the prophetic activation that allows you to minister in your gift. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic life and dreaming of heaven.
P.S. You may want to read my blog from 05-09 called Gold and Honey. I love how the Lord ties it all together.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan