Friday, July 22, 2011

Prophetic Art !

Prophetic Art!
Prophetic art is a wonderful expression of the prophetic gifting of the Holy Spirit. A prophetic artist will take an image from the Holy Spirit and create the message that He wants to speak to His people with visual mediums such as pastels, chalk, pencils, oils etc. During a prophetic meeting the artist will hear the spoken word and translate it into a picture that contains the message. Sometimes the picture will capture the essence of the message and then take it to the next dimension by presenting elements that forthtell future plans as well as hidden secrets.
I love to look at prophetic artwork because of the layers of meaning. Here is a piece of prophetic art that was painted at one of our meetings.
The picture was painted during a glory conference. The scroll coming down from heaven represents the message from the throne room for the service. See the people worshiping? See the jar of oil and glory being poured out? See the river? What else do you see? This is just one example of a prophetic artwork done during a prophetic meeting. Do you feel called to have your artwork speak to the nations? God has many ways to express His gifts to us. The visual media is one way that can break through barriers that the spoken word cannot. Prophetic art is a beautiful representation of the myriad of creativity of God. This picture was painting by a wonderful artist from Altus, Oklahoma. She is truly a gift to our network of ministries. The prophetic art medium that I create is from fabric. I love to work with beautiful fabric to create flags, banners and worship tents. Where does the creativity of art manifest in you? What aspect of creation do you reflect for His glory? This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and creating for His glory!
You may want to read my blogs on Prophetic Color, Prophetic Places, Prophetic Objects!
Also, The Menorah and the Rainbow

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan