Thursday, July 28, 2011

Seven Year Promise

What if God told you the answer to your prayers would come in seven years? What if He said that your seven year journey would be a time of incredible learning and understanding about His nature? What if in that seven years you learned more about yourself and your own heart and mind and soul than you thought possible.You see He knows the end from the beginning. He understands all the twists and turns in the road and He holds your hand and walks it out with you. He makes you lie down in green pastures when you need rest. He leads you beside the still waters when just the sound of stillness and the fresh smell of water refreshes your soul. He prepares the table before you in the presence of your enemies. Your cup of welcome to His Presence runneth over. And you will fear no evil. Because you have been given a PROMISE.
Jacob understood a seven year promise for his precious bride Rachel. He walked it out and understood what it meant to wait for fulfillment of God's plan. There are those today who would say that the instant answer to prayer means that you prayed in faith and somehow it is a better answer. But I assure you that there is a depth to a seven year promise.
This blog is for all of you fighting the good fight and waiting for the victory and understanding that sometimes the answer yes is still on it's way. I get it. God gets it. And the place you are in is very precious. Because you are on the journey to answered prayer and it is an amazing incredible path!
Blessings on you today! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life in year six of her seven year journey. Trusting God for His Promise!

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan