Sunday, July 31, 2011

Prophetic Acts Standing under the Chuppah

Sometimes the Lord will ask us to perform a prophetic act or action as a picture of what He is planning to do in our midst. Recently, the Lord asked me to set up a chuppah, a Jewish wedding tent, and to stand under it and be prayed for as a prophetic act of stepping into a new season. The chuppah consists basically of four poles and a beautiful tapestry cloth over the top of the poles. Many Jewish people use a tallit (a Jewish prayer shawl) and that is what we used for our chuppah. The tallit symbolizes all the promises of God and so it is very prophetic to stand under a tallit as the covering for the chuppah.
Standing under the chuppah with my husband, I renewed my vows of covenant with the Lord. Did you know that the chuppah is a legal instrument? It is part of the contractual completion of the wedding ceremony. When a betrothed couple stands under the it, their legal status changes. Standing under the chuppah was a beautiful picture of the changing of the seasons in our spiritual life.
Some interesting chuppah facts:
The Bible mentions the chuppah in Psalm 19:5 "which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion."(chuppah).
Joel 2: 16.."Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber" (chuppah)
The chuppah is to be opened on all four sides to allow for hospitality to visitors from all directions based on the model of patriarch Abraham's tent which was said to be open on all four sides. I was thinking about the time Abraham entertained angels. And I was thinking about the prophetic act chuppah and the angels that were seen.
A golden ring is given under the chuppah by the bridegroom to the bride. Sometimes people have visions under the prophetic act chuppah!
A Ketubah is a legal contract that is presented to the bride under the chuppah.
Jewish weddings are often held outdoors under the chuppah to so the bride and groom can see the sky and the stars and the promise that Abraham's seed would be as many as the stars in heaven. Jewish weddings often happen at sundown for that purpose.
When the glass cup is broken under the chuppah at the end of the ceremony it signals the end of the season for the participants. LIFE HAS CHANGED. The groom leaves behind his single life and the bride becomes a wife.
My life was changed when I completed my prophetic act chuppah experience. I am standing in a new place and in a new season. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and experiencing a new day!

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