Saturday, July 16, 2011

Finding your Key

If you have a giant to overcome, you have to find your key. You have to find that which will allow you to overcome the giant in your life. The key that will unlock your victory. In the Bible, David found a smooth stone. The Bible says that he went to the brook to get it. That was his key to overcome the giant in his life.When he sent that stone flying into the air with his slingshot, it went sure and steady and felled the giant.  Now the stone was real and the giant was real but the stone can serve as a metaphor for the key to victory.
Sometimes we don't know what the key is to victory. Sometimes the key can be buried in the past and you have to figure out why you are bound up. Here is an example in my life. When I was a child, I grew up very poor. We were so poor that there was rarely any food to eat in our home. Food was always a struggle and so I was hungry most of the time. As I hit my teen years, I went to work very early and made an income so I would be able to buy food for myself and my family. The thoughts of hunger went away but buried in all that pain was a key that I would need to unlock my present battle. When I hit my late 40's I began to gain weight. And no matter what diet I tried it didn't work. I used to call the ten pounds I wanted to lose 10 mile mountain. Because it seemed like such a struggle to go up and then I would slide back down. So I had to figure it out. I had to understand why I couldn't get up 10 mile mountain. One day a friend of mine and I were visiting about life in general and she said that she had seen a documentary that made her think of me. She said it was about hungry children in Florida and how sad it had made her to watch it. And I realized at that moment that most children don't grow up hungry in America and that my experience had  been unusual. And I found the key to my ten mile mountain. Being hungry made me panic. So I couldn't be on a diet because I would panic when the hunger came. My giant wasn't 10 mile mountain, it was being hungry. And I had my key to victory.
So what giant do you need to overcome today? Where does your key to victory lie? Is it in some long forgotten memory? Ask the Father to show you which brook to go to to pick up your smooth stone to kill the giant in your life. He knows exactly where your victory stone is.

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