Thursday, July 21, 2011

Prophetic Objects

Prophetic Objects-A lesson
Here is a small sampling of the meaning of objects in prophecy whether it is prophetic art, dreams or visions. Remember these descriptions are based on my own experience. As you develop your own dream journal you can add your own insights!

Jars of Oil - One of my favorites! Indicates the anointing and when tipped over indicates an outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

Bowls of Fruit - Usually for me the Gifts of the Spirit, growth and freedom

Keys - Another one of my favorites! Opening of destiny, legal access and authority

Chains - The opposite of keys usually representing bondage and/or need for deliverance.

Shoes- ministry and sometimes ministry travels

Coats- ministry calling such as Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, Prophet, Apostle

Trumpet/Shofar- prophetic announcement

Boat- ministry that goes about in the sea of humanity

Watch indicates a timing in the Spirit

Scroll indicates a prophetic word coming forth.

Doors/gates indicates openings and entrance points

Pearl Necklace - Wisdom

Silverware - Spiritual food preparation and service

Tables - A place to gather for spiritual nourishment.

These are just a few of the objects that can appear in prophetic art, visions, and prophetic and dreams.

To understand what you are seeing, use the law of natural use which can be explained as what is this object naturally used for as well as the law of Biblical use which is what does the Word say about this particular object.

Please look for my lessons on Prophetic Colors, Prophetic Places and coming soon Prophetic Numbers.

This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life!

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