Monday, July 18, 2011

Even if I Fall

Even if I fall, I will get up. Even if I fall, I will rise to the challenge. Even if I fall, I will stand with the cloud of witnesses. Even if I fall, the battle is won. Even if I fall, there is victory on the horizon. Even if I fall, I will not drop my sword. Even if I fall, I will not drop my shield. Even if I fall, I will not be afraid. Even if I fall, You O Lord are here beside me. And YOU lift me up. Even if I fall, I will soar with eagle's wings. Even if I fall, I will win the race. Even if I fall.
Have you fallen in your battle? God understands. I do too.
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life, scraped knees and all.

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan