Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hidden Treasures Revealed!

Hidden Treasures Revealed
God's Provision!

Isaiah 45:3 "I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."  

Sometimes our supply is stored in dark places, in secret hideaways, tucked away or buried deep, we have treasure from heaven yet to be revealed. Sometimes we have to look for our treasure and it is not always in the most obvious place. I love how the Lord teaches us these everyday prophetic lessons as we just follow after Him and His heart. That is my adventure! I am always ready for a treasure map and a compass and a new place to find God's supply! So here is my story!
I joined the PTA because I wanted to have a voice for my Christian values to be heard on the foundational level in my daughters' school. And of course somehow I became a minor officer because no one else really wanted to do that task. And then there was the statewide PTA conference and no one else could go so I went with another mom. And then there were these PTA classes. I just wanted to learn something fun for the school activities but the state PTA conference was more like a political meeting. But somehow I ended up in a class on insurance. Now stay with me because you are going to LOVE this story! So I am in this insurance class and bored to tears and wondering what in the world I am doing here and I hear the presenter say, " You should get all of your insurance policies together in one place in a binder so you can have them handy."  And a bell went off in my spirit. So when I got home I decided I would find all of our insurance policies and put them in a binder. Usually, I left all that to Marc but I had such an urgency to do it. So I got a little chair out and climbed on it to reach the top shelf of the closet where in the back I found one of those disease specific policies that they sold back in the 70's for a few bucks a month. And I remembered asking Marc if we should add him to the policy since his family didn't usually have that disease but mine did. I remember we said, "Well it's just $1.27 a month so go ahead" Now here comes the really interesting part. We both had forgotten about that policy because it was so small. But guess what? Marc had gotten that disease and had completed all the treatments for it 6 months prior to my finding that pamphlet. And every treatment was covered! It was a cash policy where the company paid us directly the money. So I brought out the little pamphlet and called the claims number and in a few weeks received a check for thousands of dollars. Now what is the point of this story? All the time we had been struggling for finances while he had been sick, there was a supply line but it was just hidden away in the top of the closet. My treasure was 24 inches from my hand, I just didn't know it was there! Now I believe that we all have treasure like that in our lives. I believe that God knows where it is! I believe if you ask the Lord He will reveal it to you!
Ask Him to reveal it to you! You may have to take a journey to a place you don't expect to get your map as to where to look but He will order your steps and you will find your provision!
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life with maps, compass and charts in hand! 

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Thank you for stopping by my blog! Be Blessed! Pastor Susan