Sunday, July 31, 2011

Prophetic Acts Standing under the Chuppah

Sometimes the Lord will ask us to perform a prophetic act or action as a picture of what He is planning to do in our midst. Recently, the Lord asked me to set up a chuppah, a Jewish wedding tent, and to stand under it and be prayed for as a prophetic act of stepping into a new season. The chuppah consists basically of four poles and a beautiful tapestry cloth over the top of the poles. Many Jewish people use a tallit (a Jewish prayer shawl) and that is what we used for our chuppah. The tallit symbolizes all the promises of God and so it is very prophetic to stand under a tallit as the covering for the chuppah.
Standing under the chuppah with my husband, I renewed my vows of covenant with the Lord. Did you know that the chuppah is a legal instrument? It is part of the contractual completion of the wedding ceremony. When a betrothed couple stands under the it, their legal status changes. Standing under the chuppah was a beautiful picture of the changing of the seasons in our spiritual life.
Some interesting chuppah facts:
The Bible mentions the chuppah in Psalm 19:5 "which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion."(chuppah).
Joel 2: 16.."Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber" (chuppah)
The chuppah is to be opened on all four sides to allow for hospitality to visitors from all directions based on the model of patriarch Abraham's tent which was said to be open on all four sides. I was thinking about the time Abraham entertained angels. And I was thinking about the prophetic act chuppah and the angels that were seen.
A golden ring is given under the chuppah by the bridegroom to the bride. Sometimes people have visions under the prophetic act chuppah!
A Ketubah is a legal contract that is presented to the bride under the chuppah.
Jewish weddings are often held outdoors under the chuppah to so the bride and groom can see the sky and the stars and the promise that Abraham's seed would be as many as the stars in heaven. Jewish weddings often happen at sundown for that purpose.
When the glass cup is broken under the chuppah at the end of the ceremony it signals the end of the season for the participants. LIFE HAS CHANGED. The groom leaves behind his single life and the bride becomes a wife.
My life was changed when I completed my prophetic act chuppah experience. I am standing in a new place and in a new season. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and experiencing a new day!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Seven Year Promise

What if God told you the answer to your prayers would come in seven years? What if He said that your seven year journey would be a time of incredible learning and understanding about His nature? What if in that seven years you learned more about yourself and your own heart and mind and soul than you thought possible.You see He knows the end from the beginning. He understands all the twists and turns in the road and He holds your hand and walks it out with you. He makes you lie down in green pastures when you need rest. He leads you beside the still waters when just the sound of stillness and the fresh smell of water refreshes your soul. He prepares the table before you in the presence of your enemies. Your cup of welcome to His Presence runneth over. And you will fear no evil. Because you have been given a PROMISE.
Jacob understood a seven year promise for his precious bride Rachel. He walked it out and understood what it meant to wait for fulfillment of God's plan. There are those today who would say that the instant answer to prayer means that you prayed in faith and somehow it is a better answer. But I assure you that there is a depth to a seven year promise.
This blog is for all of you fighting the good fight and waiting for the victory and understanding that sometimes the answer yes is still on it's way. I get it. God gets it. And the place you are in is very precious. Because you are on the journey to answered prayer and it is an amazing incredible path!
Blessings on you today! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life in year six of her seven year journey. Trusting God for His Promise!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hidden Treasures Revealed!

Hidden Treasures Revealed
God's Provision!

Isaiah 45:3 "I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."  

Sometimes our supply is stored in dark places, in secret hideaways, tucked away or buried deep, we have treasure from heaven yet to be revealed. Sometimes we have to look for our treasure and it is not always in the most obvious place. I love how the Lord teaches us these everyday prophetic lessons as we just follow after Him and His heart. That is my adventure! I am always ready for a treasure map and a compass and a new place to find God's supply! So here is my story!
I joined the PTA because I wanted to have a voice for my Christian values to be heard on the foundational level in my daughters' school. And of course somehow I became a minor officer because no one else really wanted to do that task. And then there was the statewide PTA conference and no one else could go so I went with another mom. And then there were these PTA classes. I just wanted to learn something fun for the school activities but the state PTA conference was more like a political meeting. But somehow I ended up in a class on insurance. Now stay with me because you are going to LOVE this story! So I am in this insurance class and bored to tears and wondering what in the world I am doing here and I hear the presenter say, " You should get all of your insurance policies together in one place in a binder so you can have them handy."  And a bell went off in my spirit. So when I got home I decided I would find all of our insurance policies and put them in a binder. Usually, I left all that to Marc but I had such an urgency to do it. So I got a little chair out and climbed on it to reach the top shelf of the closet where in the back I found one of those disease specific policies that they sold back in the 70's for a few bucks a month. And I remembered asking Marc if we should add him to the policy since his family didn't usually have that disease but mine did. I remember we said, "Well it's just $1.27 a month so go ahead" Now here comes the really interesting part. We both had forgotten about that policy because it was so small. But guess what? Marc had gotten that disease and had completed all the treatments for it 6 months prior to my finding that pamphlet. And every treatment was covered! It was a cash policy where the company paid us directly the money. So I brought out the little pamphlet and called the claims number and in a few weeks received a check for thousands of dollars. Now what is the point of this story? All the time we had been struggling for finances while he had been sick, there was a supply line but it was just hidden away in the top of the closet. My treasure was 24 inches from my hand, I just didn't know it was there! Now I believe that we all have treasure like that in our lives. I believe that God knows where it is! I believe if you ask the Lord He will reveal it to you!
Ask Him to reveal it to you! You may have to take a journey to a place you don't expect to get your map as to where to look but He will order your steps and you will find your provision!
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life with maps, compass and charts in hand! 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Money in the Wind

Unexpected Supply Lines are Forming!
Watch for your heavenly Provision!
Here is how I learned the provision of God. When I left home in New England to go to Oral Roberts University, in Oklahoma, I had a suitcase, a trunk, a scholarship and 50 dollars. My family did not have resources to support me so I was on my own with my hand firmly in the Lord's. And I learned to trust. When I needed to do my laundry, I found money. On the ground. All the time. Usually in the prayer gardens at the University. I remember one time in particular that I needed money for something that I had to have like shampoo or laundry detergent. It had snowed and the ground was frozen. And there it was, a $20.00 bill on laying on top of the snow. No footprints around it. I grew to know that my needs would be met. This particular time became a benchmark for me. It was a time I looked back on over and over and thought of the blessings of the Lord.
I love to tell other stories of how the Lord provided me with resources as I studied for my degree.
Sometimes relatives would mail me small amounts of cash like $5.00 and I was so blessed to have the money to take care of an immediate need. Usually never early but never late did the funds arrive. I went through four years of college like this. Trusting, expecting and finding blessings in very unexpected places. This was a great training ground for a ministry life.
Whenever there was an offering taken in one of the meetings, I would be so excited. I would reach into my wallet and give every penny that I had. After all, it was miracle money and the Lord was my provision. I remember literally shaking my change purse into the offering plates to make sure it was all given to the Lord. I had learned the lesson of wild abandoned giving and was living in a time of what I like to call the cruse of oil. That refers to the Biblical account of Elijah and the never empty cruse of oil of the widow who prepared first the cake for the man of God and then tended to her and her son's needs.
One time years later, I was in a parking lot and the  Oklahoma wind was just swirling. And then I saw the most amazing thing happen.  Money, I mean lots of cash, swirling by and no one was chasing it. So I stopped and picked it up. Yes it was literally money in the wind.
Beloved friends, we may be headed into times where we must rely on a new supply chain of unexpected blessings. But God knows the supply routes. He has not forgotten the recipe for manna as I heard it put recently. Our source is not the world's supply lines but heavenly supply lines.
And I love God's faithful reminders!
Many years later in a  time when Marc was in job transition, he had gone to Walmart to pick up a few items. I was praying and asking the Lord for favor and blessing to help us through this transition. Marc came home and said, "Hey guess what I found on the floor at Walmart?" What? "A $20.00 bill!" I laughed out loud and the Lord's sure message to me. A prayer garden, a mail box, a parking lot, a store floor, God has a way of sending us just what we need at the right moment. Be watching for my blog on hidden treasures revealed. You won't want to miss that one. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and watching for the wind that carries the supply!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Prophetic Art !

Prophetic Art!
Prophetic art is a wonderful expression of the prophetic gifting of the Holy Spirit. A prophetic artist will take an image from the Holy Spirit and create the message that He wants to speak to His people with visual mediums such as pastels, chalk, pencils, oils etc. During a prophetic meeting the artist will hear the spoken word and translate it into a picture that contains the message. Sometimes the picture will capture the essence of the message and then take it to the next dimension by presenting elements that forthtell future plans as well as hidden secrets.
I love to look at prophetic artwork because of the layers of meaning. Here is a piece of prophetic art that was painted at one of our meetings.
The picture was painted during a glory conference. The scroll coming down from heaven represents the message from the throne room for the service. See the people worshiping? See the jar of oil and glory being poured out? See the river? What else do you see? This is just one example of a prophetic artwork done during a prophetic meeting. Do you feel called to have your artwork speak to the nations? God has many ways to express His gifts to us. The visual media is one way that can break through barriers that the spoken word cannot. Prophetic art is a beautiful representation of the myriad of creativity of God. This picture was painting by a wonderful artist from Altus, Oklahoma. She is truly a gift to our network of ministries. The prophetic art medium that I create is from fabric. I love to work with beautiful fabric to create flags, banners and worship tents. Where does the creativity of art manifest in you? What aspect of creation do you reflect for His glory? This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and creating for His glory!
You may want to read my blogs on Prophetic Color, Prophetic Places, Prophetic Objects!
Also, The Menorah and the Rainbow

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Prophetic Objects

Prophetic Objects-A lesson
Here is a small sampling of the meaning of objects in prophecy whether it is prophetic art, dreams or visions. Remember these descriptions are based on my own experience. As you develop your own dream journal you can add your own insights!

Jars of Oil - One of my favorites! Indicates the anointing and when tipped over indicates an outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

Bowls of Fruit - Usually for me the Gifts of the Spirit, growth and freedom

Keys - Another one of my favorites! Opening of destiny, legal access and authority

Chains - The opposite of keys usually representing bondage and/or need for deliverance.

Shoes- ministry and sometimes ministry travels

Coats- ministry calling such as Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, Prophet, Apostle

Trumpet/Shofar- prophetic announcement

Boat- ministry that goes about in the sea of humanity

Watch indicates a timing in the Spirit

Scroll indicates a prophetic word coming forth.

Doors/gates indicates openings and entrance points

Pearl Necklace - Wisdom

Silverware - Spiritual food preparation and service

Tables - A place to gather for spiritual nourishment.

These are just a few of the objects that can appear in prophetic art, visions, and prophetic and dreams.

To understand what you are seeing, use the law of natural use which can be explained as what is this object naturally used for as well as the law of Biblical use which is what does the Word say about this particular object.

Please look for my lessons on Prophetic Colors, Prophetic Places and coming soon Prophetic Numbers.

This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life!

Prophetic Places

Prophetic Places-A lesson
Here is a small sampling of the meaning of places in prophecy whether it is prophetic art, dreams or visions. Remember these descriptions are based on my own experience. As you develop your own dream journal you can add your own insights!

Bus, Train, etc Station- a meeting place for people and ministries going in different directions.   An example might be a ministry conference.

Beach or shoreline- a place to meet Jesus such as Peter did after the resurrection

Mountainside - a place that indicates a challenge

Basement- a foundational place so look for foundational issues being addressed in the prophetic word.

Attic- a storage place so look for things stored from the past that may need to be examined in a new light in your prophetic word or dream

Kitchen- a place of preparation of food so where you are being spiritually fed may need to be addressed.

Garden - look for new fruit for your ministry

Vineyard- look for new ministry gifts and manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Expect new wine!

Here is the basic idea, a natural place will indicate a spiritual meaning that is similar to the natural meaning. Look to the Word first to see what the Bible has to say about the place. Sometimes the places are addressed and explained in the Word. That is why a strong Biblical background is so important to prophetic interpretation.

Please check out my blog on Prophetic Colors and look for my soon coming blogs on Prophetic Numbers and Prophetic Objects.

This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wait! Was that a Vision? In the Blink of an Eye.

I want to describe what I call a microvision. That is a vision that happens in a microsecond, a blink of an eye. It is a vision that you can see with your natural eyes or your spiritual eyes. It happens so fast that sometimes you can't tell if your eyes were open or not. A microvision can contain a massive amount of heavenly information compressed into that fraction of the second.  For example yesterday I was thinking about changes in people I know and then I saw a big brown and black door close. It had a black doorknob. Wow that is a lot of information. Something was changing in the supernatural realm for the person and the door was a symbol of that change. Brown speaks of earthly things and black can speak of hidden things since darkness hides things. What was driving the change in their lives- the doorknob- was black and so I knew that there were hidden things that were controlling the change. That's a lot of information and that vision lasted less than a second.
Sometimes you are looking at a natural object and you see a supernatural change. One of the best examples I can think of this happened to a friend of mine several years ago. She was in her car and crossing the street in front of her was a commercial van. On the van instead of the wording advertising the business she saw the words, Revival is coming.
   The blink of an eye is a term we are used to from the Bible. The New Living Translation says "It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown." I Corinthians 15:52. The concept of important spiritual things happening in the blink of an eye is not new. One of the most important events of church history is the rapture of the bride of Christ being swept out of this world. And yet it happens in the blink of an eye. So this means that big important things don't need any more than a blink to take place. This is an important concept that we as Christians need to grasp. Sometimes the microvision is the most powerful spiritual event of the day, the everyday. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Even if I Fall

Even if I fall, I will get up. Even if I fall, I will rise to the challenge. Even if I fall, I will stand with the cloud of witnesses. Even if I fall, the battle is won. Even if I fall, there is victory on the horizon. Even if I fall, I will not drop my sword. Even if I fall, I will not drop my shield. Even if I fall, I will not be afraid. Even if I fall, You O Lord are here beside me. And YOU lift me up. Even if I fall, I will soar with eagle's wings. Even if I fall, I will win the race. Even if I fall.
Have you fallen in your battle? God understands. I do too.
This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life, scraped knees and all.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Finding your Key

If you have a giant to overcome, you have to find your key. You have to find that which will allow you to overcome the giant in your life. The key that will unlock your victory. In the Bible, David found a smooth stone. The Bible says that he went to the brook to get it. That was his key to overcome the giant in his life.When he sent that stone flying into the air with his slingshot, it went sure and steady and felled the giant.  Now the stone was real and the giant was real but the stone can serve as a metaphor for the key to victory.
Sometimes we don't know what the key is to victory. Sometimes the key can be buried in the past and you have to figure out why you are bound up. Here is an example in my life. When I was a child, I grew up very poor. We were so poor that there was rarely any food to eat in our home. Food was always a struggle and so I was hungry most of the time. As I hit my teen years, I went to work very early and made an income so I would be able to buy food for myself and my family. The thoughts of hunger went away but buried in all that pain was a key that I would need to unlock my present battle. When I hit my late 40's I began to gain weight. And no matter what diet I tried it didn't work. I used to call the ten pounds I wanted to lose 10 mile mountain. Because it seemed like such a struggle to go up and then I would slide back down. So I had to figure it out. I had to understand why I couldn't get up 10 mile mountain. One day a friend of mine and I were visiting about life in general and she said that she had seen a documentary that made her think of me. She said it was about hungry children in Florida and how sad it had made her to watch it. And I realized at that moment that most children don't grow up hungry in America and that my experience had  been unusual. And I found the key to my ten mile mountain. Being hungry made me panic. So I couldn't be on a diet because I would panic when the hunger came. My giant wasn't 10 mile mountain, it was being hungry. And I had my key to victory.
So what giant do you need to overcome today? Where does your key to victory lie? Is it in some long forgotten memory? Ask the Father to show you which brook to go to to pick up your smooth stone to kill the giant in your life. He knows exactly where your victory stone is.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Blind leading the way.

I was walking into my office complex a few days ago and noticed a small family group going in the door ahead of me. Among the group was a mother and her young son who she was leading by the hand. In the office complex are large white pillars that are located throughout the walkways. I was late for work and getting ready to run up the stairs when I saw and heard the little boy walk- bam right into the white pillar in front of him. But his mom did not stop pulling him along. "Ma'am, I said, he just hit his head". And when she turned around, I realized she was blind. She couldn't see him or even the white pillar. The other person wasn't a family member but rather a guide to help her get where she was going. As a good mother would she stopped and comforted the little boy. And as I was running up the stairs I was thinking, "Lord, no matter how awesome a relationship I have with someone, never let me follow someone who is spiritually blind." Amen. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and not following blindly or the blind.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Taking Your Mountain!

Recently I read a prophetic word that proclaimed that we must conquer the giants that occupy our future. It really made me pause and think about what those giants may be in my own life. And it made me think about conquering giants in the Bible. I began to draw parallels between the giants that occupy my future and the giants that were described in story of Caleb.. In the story of Caleb, in Joshua 14, the giants dwelt in the hill country or the mountains. Mountains in and of themselves can be intimidating because of the height and the breadth and the extra effort it takes just to go up them versus walking on a straight path. But the giants lived in walled and fortified cities. Now this is going to be even more difficult to take my mountain and gain my victory because it is occupied by giants in walled and fortified cities. But we can learn from the Biblical account of Caleb and his attitude toward this problem.
When Caleb was 85 years old, he asked Joshua to give him the mountain area that Moses had promised him. As a young man of 40 Caleb had been one of the twelve spies sent to spy out the land of Israel. He was one of two that brought back a good report. Moses made Caleb a promise that is recorded in Joshua 14:9 "So on that day Moses swore to me, 'The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly.' That means that the land that Caleb had spied out was the land of the giants. He was the one that saw their walled and fortified cities. And he was still the one who states in Numbers 13:30, "Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it."
To take your mountain you cannot be dissuaded by what you see. You cannot be dissuaded by what others say. You cannot be dissuaded by the landscape. You cannot be dissuaded by your age. You cannot be dissuaded by your past. You have to know who you are in God. You have to see with eyes of  faith. You have to hear word of faith.  You have to believe that you have a future in God and that when you get there He will help you remove the giants and their walled, fortified cities. And you have to leave the past behind. You are well able to take your mountain and have your victory. But you may have to kill some giants that come against your spirit along the way. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and taking my mountain!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Golden Honey

I dreamt that I was on a path that led up a mountain and up this path was a beautiful walled city. I dreamt that the air of this place was different than anything else that I had ever experienced. The air itself shimmered as if made of the finest particles of gold. The air had a tangible presence to it almost as if you were swimming in it rather than walking in it. It was thick in some ways like honey. There was such a peace and such a pure joy just because I was standing there in that presence. I dreamt that I was standing by a rose bush and the most beautiful fragrance was emanating from the roses. This dream happened around eleven years ago. But I still remember it like it was yesterday. I don't think of this dream as a prophetic dream. I think of it as a dream of place. In my spirit I was in a different place. I remember waking up and being surprised by how "blue" everything looked. Not the warm golden glow of the dream. Everything looked almost cold. And the air felt thin. And then I cried because my heart longed for the road with the path and the roses and the peace and the presence. When you have a dream of place, you realize that you have been somewhere different. There was more to this dream but I believe this is what I am allowed to share at this time. I believe that as we enter the end of the ages, more and more Christians will have dreams of place and they will see and experience things that they never have before now. Don't be surprised that part of the prophetic mantle can be the anointing to have this type of dream. It is part of the prophetic activation that allows you to minister in your gift. This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic life and dreaming of heaven.
P.S. You may want to read my blog from 05-09 called Gold and Honey. I love how the Lord ties it all together.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Menorah and The Rainbow

Before the establishment of the Menorah in the tabernacle in the wilderness, God set a different kind of  light display in the sky. During the days of Noah, a great flood came upon the earth. All life on the planet was destroyed. After the flood, in the sky God set His covenant sign the rainbow. In Genesis 9: 12-13, And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come. I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." Now you may be wondering what does the rainbow have to do with the Menorah. Well remember in I John 1: 5 " This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." So as the rainbow is a display of light and covenant and the Menorah is a display of light and God's Presence, what then is the correlation between the two? Very simply put it is this: the rainbow has seven colors, they are are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. The Menorah has seven lamps on one candlestick. If you read my blog on the Menorah and the Holy Spirit you will see how the gifts of the Spirit are linked to each lampstand.  Whenever you see a display of light in a prophetic service, you are seeing a display of one of the gifts of the spirit as seen through the rainbow and explained in the menorah. Corresponding to the Isaiah 11:1-2 description, it goes like this: Red is for the spirit of wisdom, Orange is for the spirit of counsel, Yellow is for the spirit of knowledge, Green is for the spirit of the LORD, Blue is for the spirit of the reverential fear of the LORD, Indigo is for spirit of might and Violet is for the spirit of understanding. When you are in a prophetic meeting, close your eyes and open them. What color do you see? This prophetic exercise will help you discern how the Lord is going to display His Presence in your midst! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic Life and rejoicing when she sees a rainbow!

The Menorah and the Holy Spirit

The Bible says in Isaiah 11: 1-2 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. 
This Scripture passage is referring to Jesus our Messiah. However, it is also a description of the Hebrew menorah or candlestick of the tabernacle.  This menorah is described in detail in  Exodus 25: 31- 40. As you read the description you will see that Isaiah's reference to the spirit of the LORD is a reference to the middle stick of the menorah or the candlestick. The oil from the menorah was drawn up from the middle and so the root is the spirit of the LORD. Now the scripture in Isaiah points out the the spirits of wisdom and understanding are linked together as are the spirits of counsel and might and also the spirits of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. The Menorah has seven branches and the two outside branches are connected as well as the two middle branches and the two interior branches as you can see from this picture. So when the oil is drawn up to light one side of the candlestick it lights the other side of the duo as well.
Now in the New Testament these spirits are often referred to as the gifts of the Spirit as described by Paul in Romans 12. Paul starts on the left side of the menorah and describes the oil flow as the following: prophesy, ministry (or service) , teaching, and then on the right side exhortation, administration (leadership) and mercy. If you study the gifts of the Spirit you learn that prophecy and mercy pull from the same expression of the Holy Spirit the same oil flow if you will. The gifts of service and administration also pull from the same oil flow and also teaching and exhortation flow from the well. The middle candlestick is referred to as the Spirit of the LORD which Paul describes as giving which is a common Hebrew description of acts of righteousness- in Hebrew a " tsedeka "
We are effectively equating the Spirit of the LORD to the measure of righteousness within us. Now if you know me, you know that I am all about grace. So at this juncture let me say that the Lord fills us with grace without measure! I love how in the Old Testament there are layers and layers of prophetic pictures that lead us into a deeper understanding of our relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In my next blog I will address the connection of the menorah, the gifts of the Spirit and the covenant pictured in the rainbow. You won't want to miss the amazing connection to color and God's prism in the sky! This is Pastor Susan Living the Everyday Prophetic life and allowing the light of the Holy Spirit to shine as a candlestick!